Last day of school

Today we’re back at it with lots going on. The boys have their last 4 hours of school from 8am until 1pm. I have a huge conference call with my team where I need to figure out how to bring in 1 million dollars in revenue in June. This is about 35% higher than forecasted but is necessary to make up for shortages in previous months. The misses has to start preparing for the L.O.L. 90th birthday party this coming Saturday and it’s going to be hot hot hot all week.

Yesterday after I returned home from the gym, we loaded up the kids and headed up to Red Rocks for a good hour of climbing steps and trails which was quite the workout. The boys of course wanted to venture off the beaten path (as they say) and climb the rocks even though the signs said “area closed”. This was hard for them to understand as they saw other people blatantly ignoring the signs. What’s up with people anyhow! At the base of one trail heading up the rocks, the oldest spotted a 5 foot snake cruising across the rocks. At first we thought it was a rattlesnake but it had no rattles so we determined it was a bull snake. Instead we stayed on the roads until we got to one trail that was open and cautiously climbed up that watching for more snakes. We then headed down into Golden for a sandwich at a small deli before heading home for showers. The oldest went down to Uncle T and Aunt B’s and ended up staying the whole afternoon until we all arrived for a bbq at 4pm. The youngest jumped on his bike and headed across the street to play with his little friend for most of the day. Mom and I then tackled the huge mess commonly known as our house. We all met up for the bbq at 4pm and Grandma soon showed up as well. We had hamburgers and hot dogs with baked beans, and potato and fruit salad. It was real sunny but real windy. The wind was also very cool, in fact, out to the east, 30 or 40 miles from Denver, they had a bunch of tornado’s and thunderstorms with large hail. You wouldn’t have know this being where we were.

Lots of snow melt headed down from the mountains this week. With 80 degrees and above all week, a bunch of that snow will melt. Water is such a precious resource and you either have too much or not enough. After all the rain we had a few weeks ago our lawn is now cracked like the Mojave desert. Personally I think water will be more valuable the gold in 10 or 20 years. We’re already seeing groundwater (one of the planet’s main sources of fresh water), face unsustainable demands (according to a new study just out) in places like the Sacramento-San Joajuin Valley in California to China, India and Africa. Point is we’re running out of fresh water. Grandpa Don (who’s a water expert) could tell you all about this. Anyhow I just started the sprinklers a few minutes ago so it made me think of this.

Well tomorrow is June 1st! Hard to believe we’re already almost half way through the year. I’m out until about 2pm today but we need to do some sort of celebration for the end of school. The neighbors are having some sort of water slide impromptu get together I’m sure the boys will go to. Mom will probably get a couple of cupcakes or something.

Today the government is voting to raise the debt ceiling by 2 trillion dollars! Thankfully it looks like this won’t pass with republicans and democrats alike, both voting against it! This is because it contains no spending cuts. Maybe if we’re lucky, they just might be starting to get the fact that they cannot continue to spend money they don’t have. Of course the White House will tell you the World will come to an end if we don’t raise the debt ceiling as we might default on payments to China. Personally I say stop paying them until we get our country in order, I mean what are they going to do, take back all their worthless stuff they export to us each month? If this happens, they’ll be forced to reorganize our debt and payments just like a bank and a customer that goes through bankruptcy. After all, as a country, we are bankrupt, yet we keep trying to just borrow and borrow more and put the problem off for future generations. How’s that for jumping back into politics!

Ok you’re lucky I have to get to my desk and prepare for my conference call as I could keep going for a while. Mark my words, it’s coming to a head, something will happen as our current course is not sustainable. Remember no one saw the housing crash coming either. Who thought banks like Lehman Brothers or Washington Mutual would go out of business? Not very many of us and those that did, refused to believe it.

Anyhow back to sunshine and summer, we hope it’s a nice week where you are and that you have a great day. Take care, give us a call to say hi, and God Bless

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