Sorry we’re late!

For those of you that read this early in the morning, our phones and internet have been out of service since last night. I just managed to get the internet going but the home phones are still out. Comcast is coming between 1 and 3 this afternoon meaning I need to clean the basement so the technician can get in.

Yesterday afternoon we went to our good friends house for a holiday bbq and too many adult beverages. The food was great! Miss C boils here ribs before putting them on the bbq. Also her homemade sauce is to die for. The boys decided to spend the night there and we’ll go pick them up in an hour or so.

We’re doing pretty good on the family makeover for being almost half way through the year. Our debt is down, mostly on schedule (we’re where we want to be for almost 6 months through the year) through a lot of hard work, a change in attitude (we now pay cash or don’t buy it), and some divine intervention. We’re playing with the kids more, especially me with Mom working now, and we’re pretty healthy.  The worst thing about alcohol for me is the calories. You just can’t lose weight and get in great shape when you’re drinking. I’m kind of an all in or not type of guy meaning I just have to draw a line in the sand and commit to not crossing it or it’ll never happen. So as of today, I’m pretty much through, except maybe a glass of wine on the holidays, I’ll keep you posted. In these trying times it’s easy to have a drink to relax but we need to just “cowboy up” and face things like stress, bills, etc., head on. My philosophy is you should be at the top of your game with no distractions (which alcohol is) to cloud your mind if you really want to accomplish your goals. Plus we’ll feel a whole lot better and look better to. Remember we’re kind of the George Clooney and Angelia Jolie of Colorado!

All of us are facing difficult times and I was of course sharing my worldly wisdom with everyone last night (you know me, not afraid to voice my opinion). I was trying to make the point that we all (maybe not you grandma’s and grandpa’s who’ve seen this before in a different decade like the 1930’s) were living beyond our means. We didn’t mean to or didn’t even know it in some cases, as we were conditioned by the government and society for many years to go out and buy things on our credit cards (which the banks literally threw at you!) like fancy cars, designer clothes (remember how we used to all buy Polo shirts at $90 or more apiece) and big houses. No one ever considered the fact that sooner or later the bill would come due and the good times would come to an end. I don’t think the government still realizes this. It’s just us people who can’t print money, (to get out of debt), that are really facing reality. It was bad timing for all of us but the correction we are now facing as an economy and society was long overdue, and we’re not out of the woods yet! In closing here, all we can do as individuals is start to pay as we go, try to pay down debt, try to save a little here and there and keep on going. Trust me, the government is not going to be there to help you, you must help yourself. Ok, enough economics 101.

The misses is out of the shower now and I’m jumping in. It’s cooler today and we have a bbq at Uncle T and Aunt B’s tomorrow. We’re going to try to take the boys to the pool today. I did get them there yesterday while Mom was working, but only for about 45 minutes. There were only 6 kids, including the boys, in the pool as it was cold. They didn’t seem to care and had a lot of fun. I also spent $$ on new shorts and shirts for them. They looked so nice and hip in their new Tony Hawk (he’s a pro skateboarder, not a designer) plaid collared short sleeve shirts and new shorts. They had a blast last night playing hard outside and we’re glad the little one got to stay the night too.

I have to run now as I need to pick them up soon but wish you all a great holiday weekend and hope everyone is doing well.

God Bless,

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