We picked Lacey up from her tooth extraction yesterday around 3pm. All went well but she was still pretty drugged up when we got her home. The misses caught a $40 error on our bill which brought the total down to just under $400. Not the kind of cash you want to spend without planning but necessary for a member of the family. She wandered around most of the evening but seems back to her old self this morning.
It’s 6:30 and I just got off the elliptical (exercise machine) and Mom’s getting ready to head out to give the dog a shot and make it to work by 7:15. She did go to the doctor yesterday (the only reason she went as I told her I’d call her mother if she didn’t!) and they cleaned up her wound and gave her some antibiotics. She felt bad asking L.O.L. to pay the $45 bill but I insisted. I mean come on, she’s doing her a favor and her dog bites the misses and we’re supposed to pay??? Am I right or am I right? Anyhow L.O.L. volunteered to pay (I’m told) before the misses even had to ask so all worked out. ($45 is half a bottle of french champagne!)
The boys and I are heading to Mom’s store for breakfast and then it’s off to Costco. If we get our work done around the house, I’ll take them to opening day of the pool for a couple hours until it’s time to go to the bbq. Yesterday was the last official day of school. The boys are officially 2nd and 4th graders, WOW! They do go on Tuesday for 3 hours for party’s and to clean out their desks, but they’re really all done for the year. Both boys brought home a years worth of artwork and you’d be surprised how amazing some of the stuff is. From Picasso look a likes to watercolors to oil paintings, they really did a great job. I don’t remember getting to work with so many different mediums when I was a kid.
Grandpa Bob sent us a dvd from his TV preacher, Dr Charles Stanley, on how to raise kids. We’ll have to find time to watch it as it can’t hurt and it’s the thought that counts. He’s headed up to Oregon to hook up with Scotty and his new girlfriend for a few weeks of fishing. This has been an annual event for as long as the misses can remember. She’s estimating over 40 years so far. The misses managed to get the weekend after next off so looks like we’re loading up the car and heading down to Durango for a mini summer vacation. We’re already looking all over the internet and calling customers of mine (who have wine shops and restaurants there) for advice and deals so we can do it on the cheap. One fella, who we just took to Spain 3 weeks ago (on the trip I bagged out of) has a wine shop there for the past 33 years and is a really good guy, so he’s hooking us up! We found some little cabins 9 miles out of town on a river that are pretty reasonable but we’re waiting to hear if they can squeeze us in. It’s Animas River Days and the Western Festival with a rodeo, bbq and Ute indian dancers with all kinds of free activities for the kids. More to come later on this but we’re all excited.
We’re also signed up on this web site called “Airfare Watchdog” and right now tickets to Maui are $447! You can travel anytime between now and March 2012 so I think we’ll look and see when the Marriott time shares are available as we’re swimming in miles, all we need is the plane tickets, maybe for Christmas??? hint hint.
We’re hoping the weather holds out today but of course our 80 degree forecast has now turned into the high 60’s with a chance of afternoon showers. What kind of job is a weatherman anyhow, where do they get their training? I mean they have a 50/50 chance right? Let’s see, if it’s spring time should I say rain or no rain? If it’s winter should I say snow or no snow? Now personally I prefer the weathermen in Russia that are all women and strip while they do the forecast on TV, at least this way you get some value from watching them, not that their any better at forecasting the weather, but if they’re stripping, who cares! (just kidding, who gets Russian TV anyhow?)
Time to jump in the shower and get the boys dressed for breakfast. With our discount, the three of us can eat for under $10 and it’s really healthy. Plus Mom got some Whole Foods bucks from the manager yesterday for volunteering for the girl whose dad had the kidney transplant, that was nice. Then we need to go to Kohl’s (didn’t make it yesterday) to get the boys some summer clothes, then Costco (I know I already told you), clean the house and then the pool!
In closing, today is post number 150! This means (I think) we’re 149 days into the year as we started on December 31st. Wow, the year is cruising on by. We hope all of you have a great weekend with good weather, stay out of trouble and enjoy the holiday, God Bless.