Last night the misses went down to give the little dog known as Bunkie, his evening dose of insulin. As she tried to clean off his backside, (he had something stuck on his rear end), he turned around and bit her on the hand. Now he has his shots but those little poodles have small sharp pointed teeth and this was quite the puncture wound in the meat of her palm. Apparently his teeth were stuck in her hand for a while. The oldest boy ran home for some alcohol and bandaids as it was a real bleeder. It’s still hurting this morning and I think I’ll make her call our doctor to see if she’s current on her shots! ( the wife, not the dog) This daily ritual has now turned into a real chore each day as it turns out the dog has to eat before he can have his shot. The problem here is he has been slower to eat each morning and night so now the misses has to walk him up and down the street trying to make him hungry before she can administer the shot. This adds more time to each morning and evening. Personally I think this is all a little much and feel the misses is being taken advantage of but she is steadfast in proclaiming the L.O.L. is 90 years old and needs her help. I guess she’s a much better person than I, but of course we all knew that anyhow. Keeping in this theme, she is supposed to have the day off but one of the girls at works father is getting a kidney transplant today (just found a donor yesterday afternoon) and no one would volunteer to take her shift so she could be at the hospital. Well guess who stepped up, you got it, the misses. Despite having to take Lacey in for her operation, she said she’d go in for four hours from 8:30 am until just after lunch at 12:30 if this would help. The girl at work was so thankful for being able to be with her dad when her went in for the transplant. So, it’s 5:30 (I’ve of course been up for an hour) and I just woke the wife to get her moving so she can make the kids breakfast and lunch, take Lacey to the vet, give the little dog a shot and make it to work by 8:30. I’ve got 3 conference calls starting at 7:30 and ending at 11:30.
Today after school we need to take the oldest to Kohls (a discount department store) to get him some clothes for summer. He desperately needs new shorts, shirts, socks and underwear as he grows out of everything about every six months. Yesterday Aunt B dropped off a couple of rubber ball type toys, one for each boy, as a surprise for when they got home from school. She’s a good Aunt and is always surprising the boys with something, in fact, both Uncle T and Aunt B are very generous to the boys and spoil them at every turn.
It looks like we’re having a bbq at some friends house tomorrow afternoon and then another one on Monday with Grandma and Uncle T and Aunt B. After all, it’s the holiday weekend. Mom works again tomorrow from 7:15 till 2:30 so I’ll probably take the kids to opening day of the neighborhood pool.
I was going through some bills today as we’re desperately trying to get out of debt (you know, it’s a big part of the 2011 family makeover theme, get out of debt, get healthy, etc.), and I was looking at various interest rates and found one card, unbeknownst to me, with a 27.99% interest rate! Now I watch the rates on cards all the time and can’t believe I missed this one. Needless to say I’ll be calling them first thing this morning asking for a rate reduction but will also be making an all out assault on this specific card. As I said a few months ago, how can banks give 2 or 3% interest on your money in their bank and turn around and charge you 27.99% on money you borrow. I can tell you one thing, when we’re out of debt, that’s it. Right now we’re paying for everything in cash (by check or debit card) and if we can’t, we don’t buy it, period. I wish the government would do the same, don’t you?
Since we’ve had no political musings for a while, and I’m kind of on a roll, what do you think about the 20 Billion in aid we’re giving to all these muslim and arab countries that hate us? Personally I don’t think we’re in much of a position to be giving money to anyone. The current administrations argument is we need to keep China from developing a relationship with these countries, I say let them have them. Let’s see how China fares with countries that take their money, say they’ll do one thing and then behind closed doors do another, and really don’t like, care or respect us at all! Ok, I’ll stop now as I don’t want to lose any of you but what a joke our foreign policy is. We think we can impose our will on everyone and buy them with boatloads of money that we don’t have! Don’t even get me going on Obama’s Israel policy blunder this week! Ok, sorry sorry, I’m stopping now.
We’re hoping for good weather this weekend but are supposed to get a little rain mixed in. The misses hand is hurting but she doesn’t want to go to the doctor as she says they’ll have to report the dog bite. Well I’m making her go if I have to make the appointment and take her myself, I mean come on, what if it gets infected? I also think L.O.L. should pay the doctor bill! Told you I’m on a roll.
It’s now 6:30 and the oldest is up and Mom’s making breakfast so time for me to hit the showers and get ready for the day. We hope everyone has great plans for the weekend and has a great time. Get out and enjoy it while you can and God Bless,
p.s. Grandma Dixie, call you daughter and straighten her out as she doesn’t really listen to me.
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