Waiting to hear from our elders

“Last, but by no means least, courage—moral courage, the courage of one’s convictions, the courage to see things through. The world; is in a constant conspiracy against the brave.  It’s the age-old struggle–the roar of the crowd on one side and the voice of your conscience on the other.” – General Douglas MacArthur

Thought I’d start the day off with some wisdom from an elder (he’s somehow related to one of us right?) as we have not received any from all you wise ones out there. If you don’t know how to leave a comment, please call or email and we’ll walk you through it. Hopefully you all are just taking a few days to ponder which helpful life experience you can share with the younger generation. We plan to compile a summary of all the pearls of wisdom we receive from each of you so please don’t let us down and share some of your thoughts. We will keep all authors names private unless given permission. I can see a book deal coming from this, hmmmm, so let’s get started.

If no one responds, we’ll have to resort to publicly listing you by name (just kidding) until we hear from you.

Ok, on to the day, I left for Vail around 8 am yesterday after taking Uncle T to the airport at 6:15. I made it back to Denver around 1 only to then leave for Boulder at 2 for a meeting until 5. We decided with summer coming on (and since it’s such a waste) to eliminate television from the kids daily activities. So from today forward, except for select movies, all kid channels are locked out on our tv’s. There’s just too much sex, violence and useless nonsense on that thing and they have so much more fun playing outside or stimulating their little minds by reading or building something. We’ll keep you posted on how this goes.

The misses and I are watching CNN right now and there’s a story about “Pregnant Tourism”. This is where expectant mothers pay thousands of dollars ($20-$35,000) to come to the U.S. and spend the last few months of the pregnancy here until their child is born so the kid can obtain automatic U.S. citizenship. In other words, they’re effectively buying U.S. citizenship! Can you believe this one! All I can say is wow! Only in America.

We had a bit of rain last night as the dogs are running around with muddy paws. The misses scrubbed the upstairs from top to bottom except for the kids play room which everyone is afraid to go into to without some kind of Haz-mat suit. Who knows what we’ll find in there. Today she works from 2 until 9:30pm. The worst thing about working late is walking to her car alone in the dark. She’s always (and rightly so) a bit nervous. She tries to find someone to walk her out to her car but there’s not always someone around. My Mom and younger brother are due to hit the road Thursday am early, probably around 4am, for the drive home from Phoenix. This usually takes about 12 hours but is a pretty easy drive as it’s mostly 4 lane highway. We can’t wait for her to get home, we all miss her.

Mom’s making breakfast and volunteers at school at 8:15 am so everyone’s in a rush this morning. It’s a pretty morning outside and will get into the 60’s today. Looks like more sever weather in the mid-west again today. Hope it’s not too bad. Not much else to say as it’s almost 7 and time to get the boys up. Remember, try to post a comment with some helpful words for the younger ones (like me and the misses) so we can begin our compilation.

Stay safe, healthy and enjoy the day,


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