It’s 6:15 a.m. and the Mister just drove away to pick up Uncle T to drive him to the airport. Uncle T is  flying down to Grandma’s house to do a little work and then drive her home.  We are all very excited for her arrival and unbenounced to her we are all planning to spend a lot  more time with her. We can’t wait for Thursday!!
It is a gorgeous spring morning, the sky is a silver blue that melts into a dusty rose and finally turns to pale peach as it meets the horizon. Â I love Colorado mornings!!
It was bath time for little boys around here last night. Â I brought home some samples of a bubble bath/shampoo/body wash from work…promising soft skin, clean hair and a delightful natural scent. Â After the first bath, the boys loved the product so much that they have lined up each package for each night to follow the first bath. The fact that I do not have to poke and prod them to take a bath is wonderful…however….they are like two puppies when they get out. Â You know, if you have ever seen a puppy after a bath…. they run around and shake, shimmy, and play tug of war with the towels. As part of our “Family makeover” I am going to try and appreciate the fun of it instead of getting annoyed that they are not getting right into bed. It will be less stress and more fun for all if I will just enjoy the 15 minutes of energized boys. They played so hard yesterday that once they were in bed the youngest fell asleep(in his own bed)right away and the eldest quickly followed. Â The oldest is still snoozing.
I’m sorry I missed the Flag Football game yesterday. Â From the sports report I received from the family our player did quite well. He had stopping power, he pulled a boys flag in the backfield for a loss of yardage…he almost made a touch down and just missed an interception. He was also…and most importantly a good sport…the other team was called for “Taunting”, so not okay for 9 year olds to taunt. Anyway, I guess it was a great game and I like it even more since it is Flag and not full contact football.
I am off today…the mister has a meeting in Vail this morning and Boulder this afternoon. I was going to join him, but I have opted  to start spring cleaning….and boy can our home use it.  I can clean until 12:00 and then I have the privilege of volunteering in the 3rd grade class to help with corrections and then to thread needles for a Native American project the kids are working on.  I really enjoy being with the kids.  Tomorrow is my reading day with the 1st graders…I can’t wait!!
On the list of Family Makeover 2011 for today….give thanks for all that we have and all that we give, walk the dogs, or take them to G’ma’s for some serious ball retrieving….get our home ready for enjoyment….including bundling up toys to donate, Â plan our dinner together tonight, put 10 loads of laundry away, take a quick run for mommy’s mental health, don gloves and dig into dirt, dust bunnies and pooch hair….all by noon!!! Wish me luck and say a spring clean prayer.
I am off to make breakfast and give Bunkie his insulin shot.
Take care…God Bless and try and remember as I will…”It’s not what you have…it’s what you give”.
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