I don’t know if it was the threat of public humiliation or the threat of a fine but we’re finally getting some words or wisdom from some of you out there, thanks!
From my Mom,
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”
“Your breeding the scab on your nose.” Not sure what this one means, I think it’s from her Mom! She then says,
“Just to get started, I will think of more and pass them on. Keep me off the list and inform me when I win the grand prize for being the only one to respond.”
From Aunt Blondie,
“Enjoy each day of your childhood because you will wake up one day and realize it seems like it was all a dream. When I was little, the adults would always say that time goes so fast, but it seemed to go so slow to me. I was always waiting to be 12 so I could babysit the neighbor’s kids: then 16 so I could drive: 18 so I could be considered and adult and make my own decisions (not as fun as you think): 21 so I could drink legally (not so fun either anymore): After 30, not so many lanmarks that are so significant, but the years roll on and on…now at 55, I wish I wouldn’t have wished for time to go so fast, because, it did! Enjoy each moment, count the stars, pet your dogs, hug your parents, play, play, play!” (She later amended her comment below to correct a spelling error)
“I wanted to correct my spelling error from lanmarks to landmarks! I am a stickler about spelling:)”
From Robi (my sister in Phoenix),
“Always be a good sport – it takes more of a man to lose graciously than to win – and when you do win always be gracious!”
Now here are three comments from my side of the family, where are all of you on the misses side? I trust you’re still pondering just which wisdom to share as you have so much it’s hard for you to decide what to pick first! Anyhow, we look forward to hearing from everyone.
Now on to the day, yesterday was a great first day without tv! It’s like the kids hardly missed it. Of course in the morning the oldest thought he could out smart his parents, us, (which half the time he does!) and break the code on the parental lock on all kid channels. I overheard him talking to his brother saying he tried 1234, 2674, 0000, 4977, and several other numbers that are prevalent in his life. Alas he couldn’t break the code. I had a pretty severe hair cut yesterday (and now look a lot like George Clooney) as it’s getting warmer out and I needed a fresh spring look. The misses volunteered most of the morning and then prepared to go to work at 2 in the afternoon. I picked the boys up at 2:45 and was bombarded by both boys and the youngest ones classmate to let him come over for a play date. Now I had big plans to start cleaning out the play room with both boys but instead let their little friend come over for a few hours. They had a blast playing outside for a few hours until the oldest had soccer practice.
The youngest and I picked him up from practice at 6:30 and headed home for dinner that consisted of chicken legs and carrots. It seems that if we give the kids whole carrots (peeled) they love to eat them. Of course the continuous imitation of Bugs Bunny saying “what’s up doc” with every bite, comes along with eating carrots in this fashion. After dinner they played with the neighbor boy until 7:30 and then it was time for bed.
This is of course always a challenge (to actually get them to go to sleep) and took some bribing, threats, intimidation, pleading, and love to finally get them to sleep. You see, they’re both pretty good at sneaking food. One will distract me while the other goes for the goods. They actually plan this out! First I caught them upstairs with Frito’s and a few minutes later with a whole bag of caramels. It took me a few tries to get all all the caramels out of the oldest ones bed. While I’m interrogating the oldest, the younger one looks at me and says “yea Dad, he’s a stasher” meaning he hides candy and food much like a squirrel or chipmunk preparing for winter. Finally both were asleep and Mom arrived home at 9:30. She’s back at it at 8:15 this morning so not much time to sleep.
I’m back in Boulder today dropping off some wine samples (for a wine dinner) and picking up some fresh greens from the farm. We’ll both be on the road by 8am for the day. We’re supposed to get some more (much needed) rain again this evening and Mom and Uncle T head out from Phoenix at 4am tomorrow morning for the 12 hour journey home.
Other than that, it’s pretty much just another day around here. We do have property taxes ($2400, ugghh) coming up April 30th, that we need to somehow find, we’re praying a lot! Funny how our property value is way down but the taxes went up, hmmmm. I don’t know why I’m surprised as this is pretty much they way everything is these days. Oh well, life goes on.
Send us your words of wisdom and all of you in California, what are you doing for Easter? Let us know, we love hearing from you. Let’s get some more interaction going here. Sometimes we wonder who’s reading this?
Have a great day,
3 Responses to Making Some Progress