Back to school

Here we go, back to school today. Yesterday we did get in some snowboarding which was a blast. Both boys did really really well. We were home by 1:15 and then ran to Cherry Creek for a couple errands and then had dinner at True Food which is Dr Andrew Weil’s restaurant of only healthy food. It was fun and we made it home around 7pm.

We all slept in this morning although Lacey woke Lori and I up at 5:30 for food. This morning we’re off to Vail and praying her neck is ok from the chair collapsing. She has a little bit of a headache which she’s had for days but not as bad. I think its another layer of discs but we’ll see after the x-rays.

Both boys are taking showers now and Mom’s making fence toast and everyone is getting ready for the new year.

Here’s two comments from yesterday, thanks for participating!

  1. Grand-pa Bob would like to go to Alaska on Pastor Stanley’s cruise. And Grand-Ma Eleanor would like to go to the Black Oak Casino in Sonora using her new g.p.s. That is our desires for the new year 2014 .

  2. Annette says:

    I want a house at the ocean on the CA coast. I don’t care where!

    Now those seem possible if you really think about it! I’m sure there’s a way to get Bob on the cruise and going to the casino seems easy with some planning.

    As for Annette, this too should be able to be accomplished. Can you move that big boat up to some quiet little sleepy bay or inlet up north?

    As for the rest of you, what are your dreams? Uncle T, Ali, Robi, Dixie and Don, my Mom? Let’s hear from you.

    Lots going on so time to run. Hope everyone is well, take care and God Bless.

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