
This morning the boys are going snowboarding! Its long overdue and school starts tomorrow so its off to the hills. Our friends Amie and Ty are going and Ty is teaching the boys as I guess he’s quite the boarder. We should be back a little after lunch as I don’t see them lasting all day long.

Yesterday I accomplished a lot with work. Mom took the boys and Ben sledding and then before you knew it, it was dinner time. Ty had D.I. and then an eye doctor appointment that we had to leave as we had left Jag with the neighbor who was leaving at a certain time. We sat in the waiting room for almost an hour past our scheduled appointment time, unbelievable! I just hate it when you have an appointment at a specific time and then you sit and sit waiting to get it. It’s as if they don’t respect your time, if they’re going to schedule an appointment time for you, they should get you in at that time or call you and tell you they’re running late!

Lacey seems to be doing fine since we put a rug down for her. She just needs something to  give her feet some traction. She barked this morning and I thought it was for me to come down and get her up but she got up just fine as soon as I came down and headed over to her bowl looking for breakfast.

Tomorrow we’re back in the mountains in Vail for Lori’s follow up appointment. We’re praying she’s ok after the chair collapsed on New Year’s Eve and her head hit the wall. She’ll get an x-ray and then we’ll know.

It’s only the 7th but the month will be over before you know it. Time just flies by these days. No one responded to the post from a week ago asking what you are going to do this year that’s different or that you always wanted to do. What gives? Have you all done everything in your life you ever wanted to? Everyone has some unfulfilled dream or wish like going to Paris or swimming with sharks, hiking the Great Wall of China, or something. Let’s play a game since no one can come up with anything. Let us know what you’d like to do, regardless of cost or any limitations. If everything was possible, what would you do? We’ll expect some sort of answer from everyone, this is mandatory so get on it!

Take care and God Bless.

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