January 6th and cold

Starting today we’re back at it in full force. The kids start school this Wednesday and I start traveling next week. Outside it’s cold, really cold. The rest of the country, especially the northern half, is in a deep freeze. Temps in some states are 20 below with wind chills two and three times that. It’s almost biblical.

Ben spent the night and is with us all day long as his parents are both back at work and as I said, the kids are still out of school. I started on the basement yesterday but have a long long way to go. Lori wanted to clean upstairs but I made her sit still for most of the day. We pulled back in the big chair from the other room which seems to be better for her neck.

It seems like everyone has the flu but thankfully, knock on wood, we’ve managed to avoid it. No morning paper yet but Jimmy across the street was shoveling the walk before he heads out to work. It’s 5:45 and yes its cold.

The 49’rs beat the Packers in a close game. Grandpa Bob called within seconds of the game ending telling me to tell my Mom he sends his condolences. I told him he’d better call her and do it himself as I’ll probably give her a week to calm down! The Chargers beat the Bengals so they’ll come to Denver next Sunday to play us, bring em on!

Time to stay after it, we’re in the de-cluttering mode and determined to downsize. There’s so much stuff, we need to start with one room at a time and do what we can do.

Lacey is not doing very well. Her back legs just give out on her. She’s skinny all over and is just getting old. She doesn’t seem to be in any pain though and will still eat a whole bag of dog food if you let her. Ali told Lori about a dog acupuncturist that we might try but first will take her to the vet.

It was 2 degrees when I came down at 5:30 and is now minus 6 but feels like 25 below! That’s the wrong direction but it’s supposed to climb to the high 20’s today, let’s hope so.

Time to run as it’s almost 6 and Jag and I are going to the gym. Take care and God Bless.

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