A temporary setback

Well we made it to Vail to see one of Lori’s doctors yesterday and he said that her head is sore from nerve memory meaning hopefully we are just having a temporary setback. She does need to take it easier than she has been as she’s been living like she never had any surgery at all. I think, hope, that she’ll listen as Eric (the doctor) said there are no more magic fixes if she inflames her nerves this time. By the way, we also found out his uncle is Jerry Springer, the trash tv host, too funny. He told us all kinds of hilarious stories, I guess Jerry was mayor of Cincinnati when he was 32, and told us if we ever wanted to go to a show in NY, to let him know.

We made it home by 3pm and then had to go to the grocery store. The boys were great yesterday as we started a new list of responsibilities that they adhered to without complaint. Today Lori is off to the office and I have several appointments.

Here’s a comment from Aunt Robi, it seems we’re making some progress on getting some of you to chime in.

Robi says:

One thing I would love to do is go to Hawaii, if not this year, def next year. Oh yeah, I would really like to quit my job and volunteer somewhere!

I told my Mom Robi’s idea of skipping all Christmas presents this year and just going to Hawaii instead. She didn’t say no but I know she doesn’t like planes much anymore. Who knows, maybe we’ll all go this year, wouldn’t that be fun!

Speaking of my Mom, she’s kind of behind on the blog so I’ll make it short today so she can catch up! Truthfully I need to run anyhow, lots to do this morning, wash the car, get to the gym and be back by 7:15 or so and it’s already 5:31, thanks Lacey.

Take care, God Bless, and a week from tomorrow is Mr Ty’s birthday!


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