Hard to believe it’s already mid April. I turned the sprinklers on yesterday as the grass is a bit dry. This morning it’s already much greener than yesterday although it’s hard to tell as it’s still dark at 4am. Our oldest finally got his long awaited new pair of Zig tennis shoes yesterday after school. He’s wanted these for months and he finally wore out (and grew out) of his current pair so I took him to the store for his new shoes. They were about $15 more in cost than other shoes but I know what it’s like when EVERY kid in school has the new thing and you don’t. I did make him work (do some extra chores) and understand that they were $15 more than other shoes we could have bought. So after he did his extra work for a few days, the shoes came home with him. His new prize possession I think slept on the end of his bed last night. If not they were neatly placed by the front door (where I suggested shoes belong as the bed is no place for dirty tennis shoe soles). Anyhow he deserved them and I’m glad he got them. The youngest of course wanted a pair also but just got new shoes a month ago so he’ll have to wait. He understood why and was ok with the whole thing when his older brother offered up his current/now older pair, to him. They’re both really good boys. A good nights sleep and everyone was back to normal.
The Denver Post is reporting that radiation is now in the drinking water in Denver. Of course they say it’s safe but it makes one wonder. This thing in Japan is still very much out of control and yet everyone now seems comfortable with radiation leaking for over a month now. As most of you know, I don’t really trust the government (any government, just look at their track records!) to tell us the truth about much, including any potential health risk from this horrific disaster. Imagine if you lived in Japan! It seems they’re having a stream of endless earthquakes and yesterday they government told 5 more towns they need to evacuate within 30 days. Boy if I was told that, I’d leave asap. (actually I would have gathered up my family and left a long time ago)
Mom was so tired she went right to sleep about 8pm. She works today at 8:30 this morning and again tomorrow and the next day. I think she’s off Saturday and then back on Sunday. She’s a real trooper trying to do whatever she can to help out although I know she doesn’t like it much. I’m supposed to go to Vail today for an event but am sending the guy who works for me here in Colorado instead. Not sure how much wine we’ll sell but it’s for a good friend at Wells Fargo. The economy is really causing a lot of problems for a lot of people right now. I think the most challenging thing is all the price increases on everything from gas to food to power bills to clothing, etc. (we just put a price increase nationwide of $3 per case April 1st on all our wine) In addition, all big companies, if they don’t raise their prices, are trying to fool (or scam) the buying public now by shrinking the size of their products and leaving the prices the same. (i.e. notice how cereal boxes are now about a 1/4 size smaller???, the wife sure has noticed that the ice cream containers are much smaller!) While all little increases in their own right, when you add them all up as a family over a period of a month, you now have hundreds of dollars of extra expenses each month. It’s really taking a toll on lots of people. Cutting out discretionary spending just doesn’t solve the problem anymore. Ok, I’ll stop the economic musings for the day as I’m sure most people would rather not hear it, but it’s out there and it’s real.
L.O.L. goes to the doctor today to find out what’s wrong with her. The misses is really worried about her as they wanted to do surgery the other day but wouldn’t tell her why??? Sounds fishy to me. It’s almost 6am now and I need to get going. Today I need to reorganize the basement and put up some shelving as stuff is still everywhere from when the pipes broke New Years eve. I just haven’t had the time to get to this, kind of like not getting to see True Grit yet. I’m determined to get it done today no matter what!
Easter is a week from this Sunday and my Mom will be home from Arizona by then. It’ll be good to have her back. Then a week later it’ll be May and before we know it, the kids will be out of school. We really haven’t figured out what to do with them when Mom and I are working and they’re out of school. Need to get a plan there pretty darn quick.
I’m tired of listening to the news (which is what I do when writing these posts as it’s all that’s on at 5am) so I’m going to sign off now. It’s supposed to rain this afternoon which is much needed. Also need to get the dogs some exercise sometime today. I almost forgot, the wife’s Aunt Myrna (who’s great) has a big ranch in Oklahoma and is turning 70 sometime in August and we’re going to try to go! The boys will have a blast and she’s a lot of fun. She’s still in California at Grandma Dixie’s until the 19th. Horses, tractors and all that fun stuff will  be loads of fun for them. They really want (and enjoy) horses. We’d sell a car if we could and replace it with a horse or two, it’d be much cheaper (maybe not),but take a bit longer (not much) to get to school, and we keep looking but haven’t seen any hitching posts at the grocery stores yet. Oh well, maybe someday. They way things are going (drifting back into economic /political musings) we might all be riding horses someday soon so get your boots ready!
God bless all of you and stay safe and healthy,