It’s Snowing

Good Morning.  It is 5:00 a.m. and very dark outside.  Giant flakes of snow are falling and melting on impact with the pavement. The snow is sticking on the grass and flowers so far….we aerated the lawn yesterday so, the moisture will do wonders for our yard.

I have my first “Storewide” meeting this morning at 5:45 and my friend just called to carpool. Hurray, her car will be warm and toasty.

The boys worked on some missed homework yesterday and we had giant, long stemmed artichokes for dinner. Yum!!

Mom just left so I’m taking over. Hope she gets back from her meeting before the boys go to school. More talking heads on TV this morning following the Presidents speech yesterday. Depending on which channel you watch, either Obama is nuts or it’s all the Republicans fault. I didn’t see the speech but did listen as I was working and happened to be in my car. No need to tell you what I thought as if you’re a regular reader, you know where I stand. What I did see was VP Joe Biden nodding off and falling asleep during part of the speech as it was all over the boob tube last night, too funny. Here’s the deal, Washington continues to spend more money than they take in. We can’t do this as a family, it just doesn’t work. I don’t understand why the people in Washington don’t understand this cannot work for the Country either. All I can say is sooner or later, someone is going to have to pick up the check and pay the bill, and we’re really worried about our children and their children. The government just needs to butt out and let innovation and people do what they do best. Think back to the 50’s and 60’s before our every move was regulated or taxed, I think things were much better. Maybe I’m wrong as I was young but I don’t remember such intrusion into our family’s life. Here’s a quote from a book I just read. The quote is from a few years ago, 220 years to be exact. Funny how over 200 years ago, even then the founders of our Country knew the government was a parasite and hindrance on the working man, some things never change.

“If, from the more wretched parts of the old world, we look at those which are in an advanced stage of improvement, we still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute.” – Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

Ok ok, I know I said I’d stop, sorry but it’s just gets me going that all these people in Washington who are supposed to be there to serve us, seem to lose their grasp on what the people outside of Washington are going through once they get elected. Read the paper, all the Dems support the President and all the Republicans don’t. Doesn’t anyone have an opinion of their own? Why does everyone just follow party lines? Can someone please stand up and think for themselves. It’s no wonder most people (25% approval rating of Washington) have little to no trust in the government. That’s all the politics for today, promise.

It’s almost 6am and I did make some progress on the basement yesterday but still have more work to do. The school started its annual book fair yesterday and all the kids head straight to the library when the bell rings to buy books and related items like giant pencils. (that’s what we got) You have to get them out of there pretty quick or it’ll cost you $50 or more! I managed to get away for $13. It’s for a good cause, the school, but way over priced. Today is Mom’s last day at work until Sunday (I was wrong the other day as she has 2 days off!) and I think we’re running up to Vail tomorrow am for a quick meeting.

I hear the boys stirring upstairs so I’ve got to run and get breakfast going so time to go. Hang in there and be safe, hope everyone is doing well and God bless you.




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