Back To Work

Here we go settling back into our routine. Mom works at 8:15, kids school starts at 8:10 and my day has already begun. I tried to get the misses to do the blog this morning but she says she doesn’t have time. The boys obviously had a rough afternoon yesterday since we had to get them up way too early for the flight home.

Hopefully by this afternoon everyone will be back in normal shape. Both dogs are in and sleeping beside me on the floor right now. The boys and Mom took them both up to Grandmas to throw the ball for a while yesterday while I watered the flowers and grass.

Big changes coming in the wind. The misses and I are continuing the plan to launch several additional businesses. We’ve decided earlier this year that we can no longer wait to diversify. We’re going to have to go into hyper drive here in the next few months to get where we want to be. Today we’re back to the endless struggle to pay the bills, one day at a time. I’m not sure the economy or government has a real clue as to what’s going on for most people in the Country. Sometimes it seems we might all be better off if we just kicked all the political figures (GOP and Dems) out, and started over. Do any of these guys really get it? I don’t think so. Check out this quote I found yesterday,

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” – Thomas Jefferson

Pretty profound (back into politics) huh? I could go on with examples of ridiculous over regulation like the school in Chicago that yesterday said kids cannot bring their own lunches anymore, to the State of Missouri where it’s now illegal to drive a car with an uncaged bear, what??? Everyone in Washington only cares about getting re-elected, not doing what’s best for future generations and yet the public is too apathetic or unorganized to do anything about it. Anyhow, time to shower so Mom’s taking over, remember smaller government is better, they just need to get out of the way.

The kids had so much fun at the 2nd party.  They played, ran around, had a red berry war with the 12 and 13 year old girls.  The youngest told me that one of his cousins…an un-named boy…peed in Grandma’s front bushes…surprise Grandma.  They played with their Auntie Serena and Uncle Matt to no end..Uncle Matt and Grandma both got in the jumpy castle….Uncle Matt was released after an hour or so.  The boys were given very special pirate ship tattoos from Auntie S and Uncle M and the youngest had me apply his pirate ship tattoo yesterday afternoon on his tummy…it’s about 6 inches tall and covers most of his tummy.  He wouldn’t take a shower last night for fear of the tattoo washing off before he has the opportunity to show if off.

The oldest has soccer practice tonight and then home for a family dinner.

I found out that S.L.O.L. spent two days in the hospital while we were gone and wouldn’t let anyone call me so I wouldn’t worry.  She has another doctors appointment on Wednesday to see if they can figure out what is going on.  Everyone say a prayer please.

Both boys are up, so I am off to cook breakfast….

Good day and God Bless,





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