Good Morning! We are still challenged by the time change and sleeping an hour later than we should. The extra sleep may not necessarily be the time change….our youngest came in three times last night to sleep with us.  I got up and walked him back to his bed twice and then had him crawl in bed with his brother all the while hoping any warm body would do for him to “Snuggle” with…not so…he came in a fourth time at 1:43 a.m. and I gave up and let him climb over me to the middle of our bed where he kicked and tossed in  his sleep the rest of the night. Our lab of course barked insistently to go out at 2:30 and my sweet, sweet husband got up to let her out..wait for her to do her business and come back in. He then returned to bed where I’m sure we both wish we still were.
We are missing our workout this morning to walk the dogs. Â I am working this morning so our time is limited and we don’t have the extra hour for the workout. Â I’m sure our furry friends will appreciate our sacrifice and we do get a walk out of it.
The boys played hard outside yesterday and last night and went to bed with a bit of fussing. Although the clock reads 7:30p.m. their bodies are telling them it is only 6:30p.m. and they just are not ready to quiet down. Tough on tired Moms and Dads but we need to step back and realize that there is a bit of an adjustment period for all of us.
The oldest has soccer practice tonight and one of the youngest’s best buddies is a little brother of a teammate, so he will have some good playtime tonight as well.
We have been reminded a few times in the last week that our oldest needs socks. Â It sounds like an easy item to buy….but….if you have children like ours(I hear from friends that theirs are the same way about socks)the socks have to feel just right. If by chance the first 2 or 3 pairs you try on don’t feel right it only takes about 30 to 40 more times to find the right socks. Boy am I glad to be working today…I have total sympathy for Dad today. Maybe Aunt Blondie wants to try her hand at sock shopping…the oldest likes short socks and wears a size 5 shoe and the youngest likes socks to his calf and wears a 1 and 1/12 shoe. Good luck if you choose to take on this challenge!!!
A “Thank you” goes out to Aunt Blondie for drying 2 loads of our laundry in the past 2 days. I took 2 loads to Grandmas yesterday and turned the boys loose in the pasture.  They found some potato bugs, a huge slug and a few spiders. The slug slimed the oldest and he was a bit grossed out. Good times for little boys!!! They also played on a broken tree swing and had a great time with each other. They are now lobbying hard for a tire swing in the back yard. We’ll see.
I am off to walk the dogs…looks like Dad has a call.
Until tomorrow…more prayers for Japan…family,friends and those in need.