This morning the sunrise was beautiful. Deep blues, bright yellows, shades of pink and orange…gorgeous!! The boys are having a tough time “Springing forward”, as am I. They slept in until well after 7 and I still feel like going back to bed. Â We had our morning breakfast together, but the youngest was tardy to the table due to the time change of course. We rushed to get dressed, brush teeth, tie shoes and head out the door. I didn’t realize until we got to school that the youngest’s face was wearing a lot of his breakfast. I immediately gave him the “Mom wash”. EWW!!! were his exact words. I dropped the kiddos at school and headed off to shoot up our four legged friend. Â Dog and Lady are having difficulty springing forward as well.
Our youngest was back in his roller skates yesterday and came downstairs(Yes,in the skates) with a green mouth and tongue. He said he had found his brothers candy stash in their room and just could not resist eating it. I took a picture and quickly washed his face with a wash cloth this time, but the evidence was a lovely, green grin, stained around his lips. No one has spilled the beans to his brother…so let’s everyone keep it that way. Thank you all in advance for helping us avoid a meltdown. Anyway, after the oldest got home the youngest was off to a friends. The two big boys made a Costco run and a few other father son bonding errands. They enjoyed great conversations and a couple of yummy treats. (Don’t tell the little one). It is 3 times easier with our munchkins when it is one on one and there is no competition for a parent’s attention. Â I know the math doesn’t make sense when there are only 2 kids, but believe me…definitely 3 times easier!
I worked until 8..oops…supposed to be 8:30 but I had it in my head that I was off at I shut down with my Supervisor’s approval. I stopped at SLOL’s and met her friend from Pueblo(Lovely gentleman) and her son from Seattle. Her son barely looked up from his computer to say “Hello”…Did I mention I had to ring the doorbell twice and LOL had to answer the door.. The son seemed annoyed to be there and had a snide comment about the dog needing a shot… I certainly hope I am reading the situation incorrectly. LOL is happy to have company and her friend will stay with her for four or five days. Â She goes in for an “Outpatient” back surgery on the 25th…everyone please say a good health prayer. (Maybe a good son prayer as well).
Dad drove to the airport to pick up more wine to ship out for samples…built boxes, filled boxes and now has headed off to Fed Ex. I got up on the wrong side of the bed and I am having a difficult time shaking off my attitude. Maybe it is allergies. Maybe it is the angst and sadness I am feeling for all of the displaced and grieving people of Japan. What a horrific tragedy. The news is now reporting that the entire Island/coastline of Japan has shifted 13 feet. Amazing and terrifying…I pray that they can cool down the reactors before the double disaster(Earthquake and Tsunami) turn to a triple disaster for the people of Japan and those of us watching the unimaginable.
I am off to throw the ball and lose my attitude before my hubby returns from Fed Ex….Then off to Grandmas to dry laundry. Stupid dryer!!!
Side note: I am thankful for Grandmas, for Aunts and Uncles and Moms and Dads, for good friends, and children that make you laugh and of course for our pets that love us even when they don’t get a walk.
Take care and God bless,