75 degrees today!

I’m tempted to turn on the sprinklers today but know that as soon as I do, it’ll snow. Springtime in the Rockies can fool you as one day it’ll be shorts and flip flops and the next, snow boots and coats. I was stuck at home most of the day yesterday waiting for a shipment of wine to arrive via Fed Ex from Italy that never showed. In addition to working downstairs, I made it my mission to clean up the mud room once and for all. This project took me most of the day. I found stuff going back to 1967, threw out a lot of old shoes and coats we don’t wear or that were worn out, and washed all the remaining hats, coats and gloves. With the dryer broken (still) I had to take a load down to Aunt Blondie’s (who always folds it for us) and hang the rest outside to air dry. I think we won’t tell Aunt Blondie when the dryer is fixed cause she does such a good job folding our clothes! The oldest had soccer practice at 5:15 and by the time we got home it was 6:45. I rushed to make dinner as Mom was off at 7pm.

A quick trip to Kohls (a great value department store) used up my $50 T Mobile rebate card on socks, a pair of flip flops for the youngest and a shirt for each boy. Even at this “value oriented” store (fancy name for cheap), $50 doesn’t go very far. We’re back on the new workout program today after 3 days off due to lack of time or poor scheduling. (plus our bodies needed the break as we were too sore to move!)

Today Mom is off and then back to work tomorrow. She also has Friday off and then has a stint of 4 days in a row. Looking at her schedule, she works this, and next weekend meaning I’ll be doing double duty with dueling soccer games in different locations. I think the only weekend she’ll get off is in early April when we go to her Mom’s 80th birthday party. Sure is a drag with her gone EVERY weekend but we need to do whatever we can do to bring in a little extra cash. I know she’d much rather be at home, but is doing what she can to help. True to who she is, she’s still a great worker and their lucky to have her.

Japan is still a nightmare and no matter what you hear on the news, we really don’t know the full truth of what’s going on. Turns out Tepco (Tokyo Electric & Power Co.) has a long history of under reporting the severity or flat out not telling the truth when it comes to radiation accidents at any of their plants. (see my earlier post stating just this!) I don’t know why anyone should be surprised by this as most large companies have a pattern of lying to the public for their own protection or gain. One thing that is remarkable is how well mannered the Japanese people are while standing in line for food or water. They seem almost too civilized but I suspect this will change a bit if things don’t get better soon. You’re already hearing dissent or mistrust of the government by people not believing they’re being told the whole truth. Anyhow we hope and pray for the people of Japan. Lost in all this is what’s still going on in the middle east. Protests continue and regimes are opening fire on their own people trying to stave off the surge of democracy by the people. It even looks like Gadhafi will probably survive in Libya. How sad that the people sacrifice their lives for freedom and the international community stands by and debates a “no fly zone” while he bombs his own people. OK, sorry for my world views, let’s get back to our little corner of the World.

We’re still juggling finances, not getting enough sleep, and constantly doing laundry and cleaning the house, some things never change. Lot’s of work to do today including more unpacking, re-packing and shipping of wine. Sure will be glad when this is over. Hope everyone has a good day, stay safe and live life to the fullest as who nows what tomorrow will bring.

God Bless,


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