Monthly Archives: June 2024

The Rolling Stones

It’s here! Tonight at 7:30, we’ll all be at the Rolling Stones concert down in Denver. This is one of those moments in life that you can’t miss. I think it’ll be the eighth time I’ve seen them. It’ll be … Continue reading

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One more day!

Rolling Stones tomorrow! Looking forward to it. Hoping the forecasted showers are all wrapped up by the time the show starts. I was in Aspen and Basalt yesterday but home before 1. This morning I’m headed to the gym while … Continue reading

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Oh to be 20

Yesterday, carefree Ty, went tubing in Sylvan Lake, did some fishing, and hung out with friends. He lives a full life and doesn’t waste much daylight. Yet he’s up at 5:45 am to get ready for work. Two more days … Continue reading

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Back at it

Fun day, great to have the whole family together. Ty’s concert was fun, and he made it home early afternoon. Jag apparently didn’t sleep well but did get some good relaxing family time this weekend. He works hard and is … Continue reading

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Happy Father’s Day!

The single greatest, most rewarding and challenging thing I’ve ever done in my life is being a dad. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the World. One of our biggest problems in the World today is all the men … Continue reading

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We woke up this morning to calm, sunny skies. Must be 30 or 40 birds and chipmunks outside feasting on the bird feeders and these cool blocks of compressed seed I picked up at Murdochs, our local farm and ranch … Continue reading

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The Weekend

The weekend is here, thankfully. We count Friday as the weekend these days. The second half of property taxes are due today, but after that, it will be a good weekend. Jag is coming up sometime tomorrow. His internship has … Continue reading

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It’s getting hot in places like Arizona (duh), and Vegas (double duh, both are in the desert) and places like our own Denver. Up here, it’s just about perfect. Soon every tv pundit will be preaching Global Warming. Whether or … Continue reading

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Back to the 80’s

After a busy day, Lori and I were out of here a little after 3. We made it to Jeff and Tina’s around 5:30 or so. Tina was going to go with us to the concert but was too tired … Continue reading

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Off to Denver

Tonight we’re off to the concert. We have an extra ticket and Jag was going to go, but he has too much work. So, Tina is going with us in his place. We’ll stay at their house after the show … Continue reading

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