The single greatest, most rewarding and challenging thing I’ve ever done in my life is being a dad. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the World. One of our biggest problems in the World today is all the men who create children but are not dads. I know the World will be a better place with my boys in it and that’s all the I can ask for. Enough said.
We slept in until around 7! Ty made it back to his hotel in Golden around 2 or 3 from the concert and will be home a little after noon. Jag had a good day and has been getting some much-needed rest.
It’s gorgeous outside, like a painting. Couldn’t ask for a better morning. Lori made me coffee and I’m sitting on the couch watching the birds outside. Should be in the mid 80’s today, perfect.
I’ll put some ribs on around 9 or 10 this morning and then we’ll throw some other stuff together later today. I think Lori is making me a blueberry pie, yum.
In closing, Happy Father’s Day to all those dads no longer with us. I think about dad often and miss him dearly. He was a great man. God Bless.