It’s here! Tonight at 7:30, we’ll all be at the Rolling Stones concert down in Denver. This is one of those moments in life that you can’t miss. I think it’ll be the eighth time I’ve seen them. It’ll be the second time for the boys. It’ll be a long day as we’re driving back up after the show as Harley will be alone from about 2 this afternoon, until probably 1am.
Lots of friends are going and are spread out all over the place. I’m sure we’ll see a bunch of people. Jag will meet us at Cherry Creek Grill at 4:30 for an early dinner and then we’ll drop our cars at Jeff and Tina’s and their driver will take us to the show. But the biggest news of the day is Tommy is going! I can’t remember the last time he went to a concert, probably at least 20 years ago! I’ll ask him today.
Two more home invasions in Denver, thanks Joe. All have been illegals I think from Venezuela. That’s one of their standard crimes. They’re clever too. In Arvada, a guy dressed as a delivery man, knocked on the door, and then when the homeowner opened the door, three men pushed their way in, in broad daylight! These days, you can’t trust anyone. Be careful as things will get worse with the 10 million “newcomers” (that’s what the Democrats call illegals) now here. If even 5% are criminals, and I think that number is higher, that’s an average of 10,000 criminals per State now living among us. Important that you understand, these people, coming from failed States like Venezuela, have no fear of consequences, and will kill you! Sorry to be so blunt, but that’s the truth.
Nice up here, sunny with blue sky. Think we’ll get a few showers in Denver this afternoon. We’ll be ready. Time to go, have a great day and God Bless.