Thanks Grandma Annette

Well Grandma Annette should win some kind of prize as she participates more than any of you! Here’s her comment,

Annette says:

Food, dog food, TP, medication (0nly have 1) and candy. Isn’t it amazing how big things are always started by stupid little things.

Looks like we think pretty much the same except when it comes to the 5 things we’d want but I didn’t add candy. I’ll bet if I asked the misses she would have put that too! She probably wold have been a bit more specific and said chocolate! To me though the best part of her comment is the second sentence where she says, “isn’t it amazing how big things are always started by stupid little things”. Think about that, it’s so true. It can be a stupid little thing in your family or between two countries but it’s just amazing how something can be blown way out of proportion.

Yesterday the misses headache was back in full force. She called up to Vail and they are setting up another appointment for more injections to help relieve the pain. Hope this helps. The boys had a good day at school and afterwards the boys and I went to Golden to get the oldest a clarinet for school orchestra which begins today. I’m not sure how he’ll play with his left arm in a cast but he was squeaking out some pretty good sounds last night after he put it together.

The youngest is still fighting his bout with poison sumac. It’s hard not to itch and he has some pretty bad outbreaks which Mom thinks will scar. We hope not. My best childhood friend, Harry, is in town for a week. He’s going to do some work for Uncle T and Grandma as he’s been building houses and fixing things all his life. He lives in Colfax Ca, just up the road from Grandma Dix. We watched the game last night and talked about how our parents are getting older (not you Mom!) and what the World is coming to. My how things have changed in 4o years.

This morning the oldest has inter-murals at 7 and the youngest has Student Council at 7:30. It’s good they’re both engaged. I’ve got to start preparing for our company’s annual meeting next week in Seattle. I’ll get home Saturday morning and then the following Tuesday will head to New York for 36 hours. By the time I get home it’ll be October 4th! Time sure flies.

Time to read the paper, finish my coffee and head to the gym. Did anyone buy the new Iphone 5? They say 2 million people ordered one. The buy outright price is about $800, who are these people and where do they get $800 to buy a freakin phone? I had an iphone once and it did everything great, except be a phone! Some things just make no sense.

Well, have a great day and take care, see you tomorrow.

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