So where’s your list of what you can’t live without? For us, we start with the basics,
Food, everyone needs food. We would put down water first but we are assuming that we can still turn on the faucet. After that it’s dog food, then medications, gas and then toilet paper. That’s out top 5, what’s yours? Is it any different? Let’s hear it.
Yesterday began with the 5K run with both boys doing very well. The oldest and Jen finished up in just over 30 minutes and the youngest came in around 40 minutes. This was for a 3.2 mile race which is pretty darn good for their ages. The announcer said, “our first runner with a cast” when the oldest came over and “our first barefoot runner” when the youngest came across as he ditched his shoes and ran the race barefoot. The misses walked and jogged a bit (big mistake) to take pictures for the school yearbook. We were all finished by about 10 and Jen came home with us for the day. All three of them played for the whole day with Jen staying through dinner and finally going home around 7:30.
The youngest is still fighting his poison sumac as it just doesn’t want to go away. Hopefully it’ll be gone soon.
Today it’ll be about 60 degrees out which is great. In about 10 days I go to Seattle for 3 days for our annual company meeting and have a bunch to do before then. I think the misses and I are going to try to purge a bunch of stuff, we should have a garage sale this weekend as we have tons of crap to get rid of. We’ve been making progress, slowly but surly.
Now to a bit of international politics, this is where some of you can stop reading if you like.
It just makes me sick to see Obama and Clinton getting on tv apologizing for that nut in California who made the anti-islamic 13 minute b movie spoof. Do you realize that what they are doing is essentially apologizing for America being a country where you still have freedom of speech? Now I don’t like or agree with this nuts little video (it’s comical if you haven’t see it) but I 100% support his right to make it and put it out there. Are we now going to suppress our rights to free speech because muslims don’t like what one guy says? It wouldn’t surprise me if someone somewhere wants to now make it a crime to say something muslims or anyone else doesn’t like. This is the big difference. Obama panders to muslims and continues to take away our constitutional rights to avoid conflict. By trying to be “friends” with people who hate us, and give them what they want, Obama and America now is not respected anymore. Trust me, muslims (the fanatical ones like Iran, Al Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood) will not be happy until Sharia law is everywhere. If you don’t know what that is, you’d better Google it now.
Here’s some food for thought.
Americanism is a nation of people arguing with each other, without killing each other, and Post-Americanism, as we have just witnessed, is the people who are willing to kill to win the argument by default.
That is our choice. We can choose to be ruled by savages brandishing weapons or by the Bill of Rights. But let’s not pretend that the rule of Obama is anything more than the rule of savages by proxy. It doesn’t much matter whether the savages are here pointing a gun at our heads or if Obama or some civil rights commission is doing their dirty work for them; our choice is clear. We can either be ruled by our laws or by the Koran.
Internationalism is the Koran wrapped in a blue flag (the U.N.) and a billion words of empty human rights guarantees that mean nothing. Only nations ruled by free people can guarantee rights and anyone who undermines them, who promotes an Anti-American or Post-American agenda, is promoting the law of the Koran over the law of individual liberty.
The left has a choice to make. They can either choose Americanism or the Koran, and for the most part they have made their choice. This is not a debate over policies, but over basic freedoms. This is not a conflict over what percent of taxes we will be paying, but whether we will have even the most basic civil rights left by the time that the international order of savages and murderers, and their transnational representatives, are done with us.
Laws are made by force, not by international consensus. The Salafis (politically extreme muslims)and their internationalist appeasers have reminded us of that. That force can be the force of free people making laws for themselves or the force of violent outsiders imposing laws on people who are unable to resist them.
Americanism is not there to “communicate” or “reach out” to the savages to explain how much we respect their religion and how much we disavow anything that offends their tender sensitivities. It is there to tell them that our laws are inviolable and not open for negotiations and that if they attack us, then they will pay the price. Americanism is there to say that if we are attacked, our first priority will not be to win the hearts and minds of a global community, but to inflict ruthless devastation on our attackers without regard for the collateral damage among those nations that harbor them, and that we will do this while minimizing the risk to our own lives, because nations are obligated and mandated to place a higher value on the lives of their citizens than on those of their enemies.
Now this is pretty clear, isn’t it? Do you think we should give up some of our most basic rights like free speech, so some nut doesn’t offend some muslims? What about the art exhibit in New York that shows a cross made out of feces and urine? Do you see a bunch of us going out and killing people over this? Of course you don’t because we are tolerant of the right to free speech, no matter how much we don’t like what someone says. It seems this is ok until it offends someone in another country.
You have to decide for yourself but it’s a slippery slope when you start losing your constitutional rights. Throughout history it’s always been easier to take rights away than it is to get them back, think about it.
Have a great week and God Bless.