A big success

That pretty much sums up the party, it was the hit of the school year so far. The misses started yesterday morning preparing to load everything up to go to the school at 1:30 when is when all the kids are finished with lunch. Then the decorating would begin.

I was running errands and on conference calls and finally at 4pm we were all home. The oldest brought Jennifer home with him to get ready for the dance. Jen had asked the oldest to go as her date. Around 5:15 I left in one car to go pick up 75 pizzas and the misses and all the kids were 10 minutes behind me. The school gym looked great and by 6pm there had to be enough people to sway an election. It seemed there were twice as many people (kids and adults) as last year. The oldest went as the Invisible Man from the movie from the 1940’s wearing Grandpa’s old smoking jacket and the youngest as a vampire with his hair all slicked back, they both looked great! Two painful hours later (for the adults) and it was over. The misses looked stunning in her long black dress with her zombie makeup and drew the attention of everyone. I’m sure a lot of the women were jealous. After clean up, I took the oldest, Jen and Shannon in one car and the misses took the youngest and Nick (who spent the night) in the truck. I told her to just back the truck into the driveway and we’d unload this morning. Finally somewhere between 10 and 11, everyone was asleep. It’s now 6:30 am and I’m up thanks to Lacey the lab, and Nick and the youngest just joined me.

Today we might run up into the mountains to see the aspens in all their changing colors.

On the World stage, there’s now protests in over 2 dozen countries. Don’t be fooled into thinking this is because some nut in California (surprise surprise) made a 13 minute, not even B movie trailer, bashing Islam. It is in fact a coordinated uprising by factions trying to get all western influences out of the middle east. If it was up to me, I’d say live and let live. I don’t know why we keep trying to convert everyone to our way of life and religion. Maybe we need to just leave them alone and if we do, America wouldn’t be hated so much by those who do not believe as we do. I could go on and on here (in fact I did but just deleted it) but I won’t.

Enjoy the fall day, it’s the best season of the year. If you have any, and I mean any, extra money, go buy some silver or gold. You can buy an ounce of silver for $35 today and mark my words, it will be worth $50 by the end of the year. Some economists say it’ll be over $100 and maybe even $150! That’s some return. Gold is more expensive and out of reach for most of us as it’s $1776 an ounce but projected to be over $2000 by year end and could go as high as $5 to $10,000 an ounce! There’s a reason every government is on a precious metal buying spree as well as all the wealthy investors out there. They’re dumping stocks and buying metals. I know the stock market is hitting record highs but the market is not a place for individual investors. The days of fiat currencies are coming to an end and everyone can see it. If you don’t know what Im talking about, just Google “fiat currency” and you’ll find a whole bunch of explanations.

Take care and God Bless,


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