Ok, I don’t know how many of you noticed but the Fed basically wrote a blank check to itself yesterday pledging to spend at least $40 billion every month until the economy gets better. Now this sounds good on the surface until you realize that they don’t have any money! You see they are electronically crediting their own bank accounts with false deposits or in essence, printing money. All this does is dilute the any money that you and I Â have. As Bill Clinton recently said, it’s simple arithmetic. The dollar took a huge hit yesterday against the Euro which is hard to believe. I mean Europe is in really bad shape yet their currency rose against ours! This right there should tell you that the World understands that us printing money doesn’t make us stronger but weaker. Once again, sooner than later (and it will be sooner!) we will have to pay the bill. The sickest thing here is that this is all an election ploy by the administration to prop things up for a few weeks or months until they get re-elected. Then the ball will drop. Maybe when a six pack of beer and a bag of chips cost $100, the common man will wake up! If you think things are expensive now (food, gas, clothes, power, etc.) just wait.
Ok, yesterday I had to run to school at noon with benedryl and steroid cream for the youngest guys poison sumac as he was itching bad. Both boys did receive major awards yesterday, First the oldest was selected and given an award for being the student that was the most helpful and who had the best attitude and then the youngest was elected to the student council! Wow, 2 major accomplishments on the same day, they were both really happy and we were really proud of them.
Tonight is the big school dance that the misses has been working on for weeks, the Monster Mash! I’m not sure whose going dressed as what but I’m sure it’ll be fun. All I know is I’m supposed to go get the first load of pizzas somewhere. Last night the misses, while trying to work on the oldest guys costume, got into the extra casting material I brought back from the oldest guys doctor, and used it without gloves! Now I don’t know if you know, but it says right on the package that when using, “Wear Gloves”. So the rest of the evening was spent trying to get the fiberglass casting material off her hands. We tried nail polish remover with acetone which helped a bit but it’ll be a few days before it’s all gone! So the lesson for the day is if you are ever using casting material, wear gloves!
I could now go on and on ranting about politics but I’ll spare you. It’s just hard to believe that people are as stupid as they are. The things they say on tv, no one should believe, yet they do. People are so funny (or stupid) as if they see something on tv, they usually believe it! There’s a reason both campaigns run these negative false ads, because they work. I don’t know if we’ll ever have a real campaign or debate about the issues again. Here’s a comment from Grandma Annette that pretty much sums it up,
I’m so sick of the media! Now I only listen to Tom Sullivan on the radio (very fair person). He used to be in Sacramento and now is national out of NY. I think you are right we are headed for a cliff. This is all very depressing. On top of all this I have to decide when to put Bettie Mae to sleep. She is 17 and not doing very well. Take care all of you and hope you stop itching.
Now I don’t know who Bettie Mae is but we hope she’s doing well. Thanks for commenting. For the rest of you, let’s try a little experiment. Next time you get gas or milk or coffee, write down how much you paid, and then in a month, we’ll look back and see how much the prices have gone up! I think you’ll be surprised. In closing, thanks Uncle T for making beef stew for us last night. The boys favorite part was the blueberry muffins you sent along with it. And oh yea, the Green Bean Packers (that’s what the youngest calls them) won their game against their division rivals, the Chicago Bears! Thank God for this as Grandma would have been no fun until next Sunday if they lost!
God Bless,