Drama drama drama

Ok, our main drama friends, who you’ve read about from time to time, had a few issues yesterday. They don’t live very close yet called me to help them with their broken car and a leaky faucet right before the football game was going to start! I had to tell them I just couldn’t come over right now to help but that I’d be glad to help tomorrow. It’s not like they were stuck on the road or something, their broken car was sitting in their driveway! She (the misses) seemed a little put off but I made a joke of it like, “lucky you’re not bleeding to death as I couldn’t come over until after the football game no matter what!”. Oh well, she’ll get over it.

The morning started off with me going to the gym and then hitting the phones. By 9am I was on the way to Boulder and back around 11:30 or 12 noon. I had to go to four accounts and made the loop around town in pretty good time. I’m actually back there this morning after I go to Cherry Creek for a 9am appointment. The misses headache seems to be back, that’s all I’ll say as she doesn’t like me to write about it.

Tonight she’s going to a book club, I have no idea what she’s reading n’or do I even know the lady’s house she’s going to. I think it’s someone from one of the boys classes like the Mom of one of their friends. Oh well, I hope she has fun.

We did get the youngest guy some new shoes yesterday and I couldn’t believe that they cost almost $60! I mean where does Nike get off, kids grow out of them inside of 6 months.

Hard to believe it’s September. It’ll be Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, before you know it. Uncle T has probably started Christmas shopping already.

We didn’t get any comments yesterday or for that matter, for the past few days. Hope the headlines don’t turn you off. Just think you should know what’s happening around the World.

I know, let’s take a vote, who’s better off today than they were 4 years ago? Anyone? Let us know and we’ll publish the results in a few days.

Here’s a few quotes to ponder,

A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. -George Bernard Shaw

Sounds familiar huh, that’s the democrats plan in a nutshell, and

“Have more than thou showest; Speak less than thou knowest.” – William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616), King Lear, Act I, Scene IV

That’s a good one, especially these days. it’s called OPSEC or operational security meaning don’t tell people your business. Google it for more information, maintaining OPSEC is a must these days.

Alright, time to run, have a good day and God Bless.

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