Hard to believe that the NFL football season starts tonight. It’ll be the Giants and the Cowboys. I can’t remember a Wednesday night game before. Lot’s going on around here, school’s in full swing as is work. The weather is also changing as we’re expecting cooler temps this weekend.
Here’s a couple of headlines from the news today, check it out,
New “Geo Fence†Technology Lets DHS, FBI and Apple Command Your Phone’s Camera and Microphone,
Now why does the government need to turn on your phones camera and microphone? Why would this be valuable to them, talk about Big Brother or 1984, wow!
Meanwhile over the pond,
Breakdown: Three Tons of Food Looted From Grocery Stores In Spain As Millions Struggle
People are leaving Spain en mass. The wealthy are pulling their money out of the banks (while they still can) and leaving the country, while others are taking food while they can. The police can’t stop them as there’s just too many of them, wow!
Economic shock: global food prices jump 10%
Now this one we are all well aware of. For a few years, companies have just been shrinking their packaging so we think we’re getting the same food for the same money (like we’re stupid) but they can no longer continue to do this and are now raising prices on smaller boxes, talk about a double whammy, wow!
and finally,
June Foodstamp Recipients Hit All Time High As Three Times As Many Americans Enter Poverty As Find Jobs
Following a brief period in which it seemed that US foodstamp recipients may have peaked, with those living in poverty maxing out at 46.514 million in December 2011, and then declining modestly for the next few months, June saw a new surge in those Americans living in poverty and thus eligible for foodstamps, with 173,600 new entrants into the system, bringing the total to a new all time high of 46.670 million and once again rising fast. Furthermore, with subsequent emergency events affecting the heartland due to the drought, the administration has made sure even more Americans will be eligible going forward. As a result expect the July and August numbers to promptly surpass 47 million on their way to the psychological resistance level of 50 million. Indicatively, the 173,600 increase in Foodstamps recipients in June was three times greater than Americans finding jobs (64,000, most of which part-time) according to the BLS. Finally, a new record was also breached for American households on foodstamps, which now hit 22.4 million, an increase of 106,298 households. The average benefit per household decline once more, this time to $276.5. Not an all time low, but just above it.
Persons on Foodstamps
Households on foodstamps
Now do you still think the country is headed in the right direction? I guess we can give out more free stuff to people or wait, maybe we can fix the problems by addressing the real issues.
Last night the dems said at their convention that we “all belong to government” and have to all contribute to it, we owe it. Now wait a minute, I think government is here to work and serve us, not us them. I think this is the fundamental difference between the two parties. I’m for equal opportunity while the dems are for equal outcome. In other words, they think everyone should get the same benefits in life meaning the same house, car, and income, no matter if you work hard and your neighbor doesn’t work at all, you both get the same of everything, unless you work for the government , then you get better health care and retirement benefits.
Does this sound like the principals America was founded and built on? I think not, it sounds more like some eastern European country to me. I’ll leave it up to you to decide for yourself.
Well, lucky for you it’s time for me to take the oldest to inter-murals. Hope you all are well, take care and God Bless.