
Did you ever see the movie Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn? It was remade a few years ago with Harrison Ford. Anyhow it’s about this young homely girl that goes away to Paris and comes back this elegant worldly woman. Well, that’s pretty much what the reunion was. It seems that everyone had been stuck in a time warp here in Sacramento while the misses left and now returned as a princess.

We landed in California around 1pm and grabbed our rental car to head to Grandma Dixies. After visiting a few hours, the misses two good friends showed up to visit as they weren’t going to go to the reunion. That should have been our first clue! She had a good time with them and soon it was time to head over to the dance hall. We walked in to 3 people sitting at a table and I was promptly handed my badge as Mr. Sorensen. It was a bit awkward at first until she found her friend Terry. Thank God she was there as this is who the misses bonded with most of the time we were there. Some old friends, boys and girls were recognized but it seemed as though everyone was intimateded by the misses. She just looked like she was in a different league, which she is. It was also kind of like the movie Grown Ups if you know what I mean.

We hung around for a few hours but left early as there wasn’t a whole lot more to it. I’ll let the misses chime in with a comment but wanted to get something up before we head to the airport. It’s good we came to see her friends but if there’s any lessons from reunions it’s you can’t go back in life, there are no do overs and people change in 30 years. I think these events are never what you expect n’or do they live up to your expectations. Anyhow I told the misses she was lucky to reconnect with 3 girlfriends as I didn’t reconnect with anyone at mine.

So, I’ll load up my elegant worldly beautiful wife and head home to our beautiful wonderful 2 boys in a few hours and it’ll be back to our life in Colorado. Sacramento will have to wait awhile for Sabrina to visit again but I’m sure they’ll all be talking about her and her trophy husband!

God Bless

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