Another week

Lot’s going on this week, I go to Houston tomorrow, the fire in Ft Collins is now more than 20,000 acres, the second half of our housing taxes are due along with a bunch of other bills including new hospital bills and it’ll be Father’s Day this Sunday. On top of that, there’s more but I’ll leave it at that.

I am super pleased though to let you know Grandma Dixie commented yesterday, here it is,

Dixie and Don says:

I am so homesick for Oklahoma and Lakewood, but I don’t believe that an election year is the time to visit either place. However, I do agree with your advice on being prepared for any emergency–political or natural. Now if I can get my spouse to agree to this action, I will be laying in supplies as fast as possible. Lori, I am sleeping better because you seem to be on your way to full recovery. Uncle Bill is going to arrive in Fresno tomorrow and will visit Bill for a week. I’ll have to call to bring you up to date. Mom

We’re thrilled to read that she agrees it’s a good idea to prepare for the future. I guess it’s growing up in Oklahoma and the tough times she faced as a girl that gives her some perspective some of us don’t have. We hope the rest of you feel the same way and will take some simple steps to prepare just in case. Maybe we could coax Grandma Dixie and Aunt Myrna to Colorado (it’s half way for each of them) and we could all spend a week or so canning up a bunch of food! We’re so thankful Grandma Dixie came out a couple of years ago to teach the misses to can tomato’s but we (she) still needs some more education and help! We could have a mini family reunion. I think Grandpa Bob is planning on coming out in August, maybe Jim and Annette could also make it, what do you all think? Let us know as like I said, we are right between Oklahoma and California!

Swim team is in 20 minutes and both boys are still sleeping. We made some short ribs using Uncle T’s recipe last night and they turned out pretty good. Earlier in the day the boys were at a birthday party for 4 hours playing laser tag which gave the misses and I time to go grocery shopping and a few other errands like Bed Bath and Beyond. We needed a new salad spinner and also picked up a new waffle iron with a $36 credit we had.

On the World stage, Spain is getting a $100 billion dollar bailout, so, you guessed it, the stock market is up! If anyone thinks the daily performance of the stock market is a credible measure of our economy, you’re really out of touch. The market has these daily swings up and down depending on words and moods. It’s all a house of cards. An economist on the news says it’s like the game Whack a Mole, where one country pops up in trouble, we smack it down and then another pops up!

The oldest guy is just getting up for swimming, he says he’d rather pick up dog poop instead of going to practice. Wow, he really doesn’t want to go! It’s tough to get up at 6 and go swimming for 2 hours when you’re ten, hell, it’d be tough at any age.

I guess I’ll run for now, hope everyone is well. We’d like everyone to do something to prepare today. There’s a pretty well known web site that has a daily article called “What did you do to prepare today?” This is to get everyone in the habit of doing one small thing daily to prepare you and your family for uncertain times ahead. We should do that here and share it just for fun. It can be as simple as taking a walk which prepares your body for the future, buying a few extra cans of beans, changing the oil in your car, adding insulation to your home, organizing your important papers, just about anything, think about it and let us know what you did to prepare, it’ll be fun!

Take care and God Bless,

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