Here’s a comment from Grandma Annette, that means we’re still missing Aunt Robi, Uncle T and Aunt B, Grandma (my Mom), Aunt Shelly and Grandpa Bob, what did you guys do? Let’s get those comments in, here’s Annette’s,
Just a word of advice, don’t write about L playing paint ball ziplining ect. Workers Comp could use it as a way of saying L was able to go back to work. I worked for a state agency long enough to know how they work. You know how computers are everything is saved forever. Jean and I went to Chico to visit Serena and Matt. We went shopping (suprise) and to our favorite bakery for lunch and wonderful cupcakes. That was the only thing I did over the weekend that was fun. Love the blogs. The ranch sounds wonderful. I would like to go just to sleep in the beds, sit by the fire and eat the food.
Thanks, the misses isn’t so concerned about going back to work or not, our main concern is just being able to have them pay for any future medical bills. We did talk with a lawyer yesterday and have a plan on what to do now, but thanks again for the advice.
Today the kiddos are out at 12:45 and then will officially be 3rd and 5th graders, WOW! We’re slowly implementing the new rules around here, 1 hour max of tv a day, chores in the am, very little computer and ipad time and school work each morning. We want to go slow so it’s not a big fight.
I had two good appointments in Boulder yesterday. It’s good to get out in the field as I usually get stuck behind a desk on the phone. Lots of good stuff going on. This morning I need to deliver some wine for an event and then a few emails. It’ll be in the 90’s over the weekend and the boys will be at the pool. I don’t really like to hang out at the pool but the kids sure do, plus it gets them great exercise. I’d prefer to be riding horses somewhere but it is what it is. At $550 for the summer, it works out to about $6.50 a day which is hard to beat.
Yesterday the oldest had the honor of throwing or smashing a whipped cream pie in the Principal’s face, he’s sure a good guy. It’s now breakfast time so time to run as Mom makes us all sit at the table. Take care, God Bless.
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