Chili Cookoff

Today at 4:30 is our neighborhood annual chili cookoff. We have these neighborhood parties often, but we’ve never been able to make it. So, today we’re going. Davey and Abby and the kids are going with us. Lori made her famous Basque cheesecake. The CU game starts at 8, so that’ll be on when we get home.

Cool outside but not freezing yet. I give it another couple of weeks.

Tasha has been calling Tommy as Shelly, my older stepsister, isn’t doing too well. At first, a few days ago, we were told she had a heart attack, then that turned out to be pneumonia, and now they say she has some bacteria in her blood. As of last night, Tom said Tasha said they’re keeping her in hospice at the hospital and only giving her a few days. If she makes it through that, I guess she’ll go to another hospice. Hard to tell what’s really going on as Tasha said she wouldn’t make it a week, a few years ago. Shelly is not healthy though and we’re kind of surprised she’s made it this long. She lived a hard life of smoking, drinking and abused a lot of drugs. She’s a couple years older than me but is a tough old girl. Still, this might be it. You can’t really talk to her on the phone, and I guess she’s not very responsive. I wouldn’t even know where to call. Tasha doesn’t talk to Robin and I after we questioned her care of Shelly a few years ago. Prayers for her.

7am now. We slept in a little. Think we’ll go to the gym. I did pay some extra taxes yesterday. This morning, I got an email saying some State returns were rejected. That’s because Ty filed on his own, per our accountant’s instructions last April. Our accountant must have forgot. Guess we’ll lose his child tax credit. As I said yesterday, something has to give, as making working people just pay more and more for poor government choices, just isn’t sustainable. I know lots of guys who are just saying, screw it, I’m not going to work as hard and make as much money. Maybe this is what the govt. wants, all of us equal (socialism), and easier to control. They for sure want you 100% dependent on them, that’s how they control you! Of course, the elites, like the Biden’s, Obama’s, Soros’s, Shumer’s and others, have different rules for themselves. Better wake the fuck up people, before it’s too late!

The silly season is almost over. Thank God, then the political ads will stop, for a few months anyhow. Everyone has already made up their mind. We saw an older, angry lady in Costco yesterday wearing a Harris Walz shirt. People were staring at her with some laughing. I kind of felt bad for her, but she brought in on herself. Before I saw the shirt, I noticed how angry she was pushing her cart down the aisle. Once I saw her shirt, I knew why. Democrats are just angry people, think about it, it’s true. No one burned down cities, defaced monuments or beat people up when Obama won! Sad some people are so misguided and swayed by personality rather than policy. Not much you can do.

That’s it, have a great day, stay safe and God Bless.

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