Back in the groove

We all gained 5 pounds or more on our trip, so for me, I’m back on the program. No carbs, no sugar and calorie restrictions for the foreseeable future. Dropped 3 pounds since yesterday.

James, Marty, Ken and I got together for cigars yesterday afternoon. This morning Lori and I will head back to the gym and then probably stop and see Ty. His check was $2400 take home! That’s damn good. He also worked an art show last night and made an extra $100 in tips as well.

Tax Day is coming up. While my accountant was right and we don’t owe much, (I think about $600 which is close to zero), he did suggest we pay some more in estimated taxes, so we don’t owe next April. Something has to give. Those of us that work, pay and pay, and get nothing in return. Our infrastructure is falling apart (roads, bridges, etc.), crime is rampant, schools are failing our kids, food and everything cost more, and the only thing you can bank on, is taxes go up on everything, every year. I figured it out and we pay about $4000 a month in medical, car and home insurance. Thankfully the Company pays about $1500 of our medical insurance so our out of pocket is about $2500, but that’s still $30,000 a year! And that doesn’t even include the $20,000 in annual property taxes! Then with income tax, for us to pay out $50K, we need to make $80k! All that is before any mortgage payment, income tax payment, cars, food, utilities, clothing, and anything else. You can see what a shit show things are and why I say, something has to give. When we retire, we might have to move to a more rural area, and most likely for sure, another State. Wyoming and Texas, for example, have no State income tax, which when you’re retired, is a big deal. I get bummed out when I do the math as it’s just not fair. Thankfully we make good money right now, but we do work really hard. Sorry for the rant.

The northern lights were out last night. Ty sent a couple pics to us and Jag, they were amazing. We’ll try to see them tonight. Our neighborhood has the annual chili cookoff tomorrow afternoon at 4:30. Lori, Davy, Abby and I are going. Our neighborhood always has these parties, but we’ve never gone to one, so we’re excited to meet some people.

6:30 now and still dark. Not sure if we’re going to the Bronco game Sunday or not, we’ll see. Time to get moving, have a great day and God Bless.

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