July is almost over. Won’t be long now until we’re in the holiday mode. They come fast and furious starting with Labor Day.
Talked to Tom yesterday for a quick second. He was getting a flat tire on the Porsche fixed. Guess he ran over a screw. Robin is doing well, talked to her for 5 minutes or so. I made it to Denver by 9 or so and was headed home before 10:30. I hit a little traffic, but it wasn’t too bad. Just a little slow in the usual areas.
Big fire on the front range down near Loveland. 950 acres now with zero containment. Tis the season. Mother nature does her thing. Imagine a hundred years ago when fires just burned until they didn’t.
Heat advisories in Denver. Temperatures look to be over 100 again. Mid 80’s to maybe 90 up here.
I cleaned out half the freezer in the garage yesterday and have a few bags of old frozen food to dispose of. They’re in coolers right now so they don’t melt before the trash guy comes in a few days. Lori cleaned the freezer in the kitchen which prompted me to do the garage as we needed to move some stuff out to the big freezer. She also fixed the ice maker. She can fix anything. Guess the water hose had frozen due to the freezer being too full.
I did some grocery shopping yesterday stocking up on staples like flour and coffee and some of Lori’s favorite tea. I’ll do some more purging in my closet today. Oh, Costco sells gold! They have Gold Eagles and bars, and the incredible thing is they’re cheaper than you can buy them from any dealer, plus you can use a credit card. We bought a few as not only is there no tax and no shipping, but we get miles from using our credit card! No brainer. Then you just pay the credit card bill when it comes in. Just go online, put in your info, and the brown truck will deliver them in a couple days. Always good to have some gold and silver in the stash.
Time to get moving. 6:09am now. Have a great day and God Bless.