Yesterday around noon, Lori and I went to hit a couple bags of balls. Today at 11, we have our first lesson. Should be fun!
Tax Day Monday, ugh. Rough year, as they keep changing things, which basically means we just always pay more and get less. Anyone who voted democratic can’t complain though, as you get what you voted for. I think those of us that didn’t vote democratic, shouldn’t have to pay, ha! Oh and Biden just circumvented the Supreme Court again, to try to buy some more votes by forgiving more student debt. That’s something like 15 billion now. What he doesn’t tell you, is the rest of us now have to pay that! So if you didn’t get an email saying your debt has been forgiven, you’re one of the lucky ones who will be paying some person’s debt that he wiped out to try to earn their vote. Someone has to pay it and remember, the government has no income, except for taking money from the people.
Afternoon rain showers are forecasted between now and the end of the month. Spring showers bring May flowers! Nice yesterday with temps in the mid 70’s!
Our great Eagle County Sherrif Dept. took 43 pounds of cocaine off the street yesterday with a traffic stop at 5:30am right by Costco! They’re really good at knowing who to pull over as they get a lot of drug dealers trying to pass through the county. Good for them. That’s a lot of blow!
Not sure what we’ll do this afternoon. For now, it’s off to the gym! Have a great weekend. God Bless.