One more time

Lori and I are off to Denver for lunch. We changed it from a dinner to lunch due to the incoming snow today. Plus, Ty leaves in the morning for Montana. Yesterday we watched some basketball and messed around the house. We did make a Costco run. Jag flew out last night for L.A.

We’ll leave around 9:30 or 10 for our 12:30 lunch. Should be ahead of the ski traffic. It’s nice outside now. This week is supposed to be a mixture of rain and a little snow up here with temps in the 40’s. Don’t think much will stick on the ground, but time will tell.

Another shooting in Denver. This is pretty much a daily occurrence. Not surprising. The govt. just launched a new anti-gun program teaching those in power how to take individuals firearms away. This is all thanks to the new funding bill the GOP caved in on. $750 million to strip Americans of their constitutional rights, nice. How many criminals do you think will be affected by this law? I say zero. We don’t have a gun problem, or a knife problem. What we have is a lack of respect for the law and your fellow man problem. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Just look at the attitude of the people today. Everyone expects free stuff, ignores law and authority and is divided by race. Throw in illegals from all over the World with no money and no respect for our laws, (staring with the immigration laws) and there you have it. This is all by design as the Dems know the more people they let in, the more representatives they can get from the census and the better chance they have of staying in power. God help us. Man, we need term limits. That’ll never happen though as the people that want to stay in power would need to vote for themselves to not stay in power.

Have a great day, stay safe and God Bless.

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