Jag coming up!

Tonight, Jagger and Eva are coming up. We’ve never met Eva so that’ll be fun. They’ll be here until Sunday. Ty works at 7 today, tomorrow and Sunday, and I guess from now on going into the off season. We pretty much get up between 5 and 5:30 these days anyhow, so no big deal.

Yesterday, Lori, Addy, James and I went to the range for 3 hours shooting. Lori did really well and after a few minutes all her muscle memory came back to her. I have a new carry piece that shot really well. I’m super happy with it. You need to run at least 500 rounds through any new gun with zero FTF’s, (failures), before you can trust the firearm. After that, Lori went to pick up Ty and I ran up to cigar night with James and the guys. I think we’re going to the range again Sunday after the Bronco game. We’re all going to watch the game first and have chili dogs and stuff at Addy’s before shooting.

The house is clean and sparkling. I found out it’ll be 8 to 12 weeks to get the new garage panels so I’m going to move all my crap from one side of the garage to the other so Lori can park her car inside, as it could be mid-December before it’s fixed.

Watch closely as they’ll be taking Biden out soon. He’s messing up even more than usual daily. The guys in charge, (Obama, Susan Rice, etc.) should be ashamed for using him the way they are. It is elder abuse. Even the New York Times used those exact words yesterday. Hard to believe this can happen in 2023 and even harder to believe the American public continues to fall for it. We are a hot mess as a Country.

5:40am now, time to get Ty up. We almost turned on the fireplace this morning. It was cool in our room last night as we sleep with the window open. Trash day today so time to clean out the fridge. CU is supposed to lose big time to Oregon tomorrow. We probably will but there’s always a chance! That’s the great thing about sports, you never know. Jag and I were talking and said this would be a good game to bet on as we’re something like 21-point underdogs. We don’t gamble, thank God, but this would be one game I’d throw a few bucks at, ha.

Have a great day and weekend. Take care, stay safe and God Bless.

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