Ready to go

Yesterday the boys successfully renewed their passports. Everything went without a hitch. I then met them at Ty’s and loaded up most of his stuff. He has to be out by 10am this morning.

Ty and Jack are headed to Boulder today to move Jagger’s bed, dresser and desk to Tommy’s. He’s letting us store them in his basement for a few weeks until Jag moves into his new place. Maybe the stuff can fit in his garage or storage room off the laundry room. Might be easier. Jag needs to be out by Monday so he has some work to do too. Both boys and Jack are then coming up tonight. Looks like they’ll both be here until after we get back from Hawaii at least. No point in us subletting a room for Jag with us gone the last 8 days of the month and Ty can’t move in until about June 10th. It’ll be good to have them home for a few weeks and then good to have them leave, ha!

Lori and I are off to the gym this morning. Jeff and Tina are having a party for Schultz’s birthday today but we just can’t make the drive.

The deer ate one of Lori’s new geraniums last night, she is pissed off! James leaves tomorrow for his 8 shows in Europe which take about six weeks. Mostly sunny up here with a few clouds but no rain.

The border is a mess with Title 42 ending and there’s crickets coming from the White House. What the hell are they doing and how and why are people putting up with this crap. Everyone needs to write and call your representative’s now. Even NBC news last night reported how tens of thousands of illegals (their words) are flooding into the Country and being shipped all over. Even if you’re sympathetic and want to let people in, our economy and infrastructure can’t handle it. And that’s assuming everyone getting in is a good person which we know is not the fact. Things need to change now. What a mess.

That’s it, have a great day. Mothers Day tomorrow! Sure miss my Mom, God Bless.

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