Yesterday the Broncos gave us hope! The new owners took over and fired our first year head coach. Most thought the coach would make it to the end of the year but by letting him go yesterday, it gives us hope. Two more coaches were fired last night, nice. Super Bowl in 2023, ha!
Last night we went to Marty and Mel’s for dinner. Marty brought me back a box of Cuban cigars from St. John when he was down there a few months ago, for Christmas, nice.
This morning I’m off to Denver to get Lori’s car serviced. She was going with me but I’m going to let her sleep in. Snow is coming tonight and will be here for a good 36 hours. Just when I though we’d dodged the bullet, this storm could bring 10 inches, ugh.
Jag is coming back up today. Ty will be hanging out at home as his car needs to go to Glenwood as he slid into a guard rail last night a few blocks from the house. There was an elk in the road and he had to swerve to miss it. It never ever stops! Luckily they know me well at the collision center.
Time to get moving as the earlier I’m down, the earlier I’m home. December 27th, wow. Only a few more days left in the year. Even though they say 2023 is going to be tough, I’m ready to take my chances as 2022 has been crap, and that’s using a nice word! Be well, stay safe and God Bless.