Where do I start

Yesterday was busy, Ty went back to school, our heater control board needed a reset, the U.S. soccer team lost and Prime Time, Deion Sanders is the new football coach at CU! So ups and downs were the theme of the day. I went to the gym with Lori and thought I was all better but I’m a little foggy this morning. Has to be from lifting weights. Can’t figure anything else out. So no more weights for a while.

We had an inch, maybe two, of snow yesterday and last night. We’re getting a break until tomorrow night. Luckily we haven’t been hit too hard yet. I’m sure we will. Looks like it’s coming in waves over the next 3 or 4 days.

I think Lori is taking Dixie to get her nails done today. She thought she was in a motorhome the past few days. Lucky that she has Lori. None of the other kids, or anybody for that matter, come and see her or even call her at all. There is one of her former students in Sacramento that sends Dixie a card every week, never fail. We have to remind Dixie each week who the card is from but she likes opening them and laughs at each one. Lori took Dixie down some of Tom’s cookies yesterday which she enjoyed a bunch.

Jag has a cold and wasn’t feeling well yesterday. We told him to go get some Alka Seltzer Plus but he didn’t feel like going out. Ty’s hand is still hurting and he’s on Tylenol and Advil every six hours.

It’s pretty outside with the blanket of white snow everywhere. Birds are all over the bird feeders and Harley is outside with her yellow ball. Even with all the crap going on, life is good. We’re luckier than most and don’t take anything for granted. Football and basketball are on today. We have no expectations for the Broncos to win so if we do, it’ll be amazing. Go Bronco’s! Maybe today will be our coming out or get it together game.

Enjoy the day, December 5th tomorrow, God Bless.

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