Home safe

Man I am tired of driving. Going down two days in a row and three last week finally did me in. I’m trying to get more sleep these days to catch up as my sleep clock is depleted.

Anyhow, Jag, Sam and I left at 11 and headed down the hill. We went straight to Boulder to drop Sam and then headed to the airport. We made it to DIA right about the time they made it to the curb. We loaded up and had one stop at Edwards Meats before heading home. When we pulled in there, they had a line out the door. Luckily I saw Taylor, the owners daughter, coming out of a big semi on the side of the store, carrying in turkeys. I asked a guy if that was Taylor and he said, yes and he’d get her for me. She went in the back and got my steaks (I called ahead) and then went in and rang up my card so we didn’t have to stand in line. I stood out back talking to her dad who owns the place until she came back. We all hunt so that’s how we know each other.

2 hours later and we were home. Lori had enchiladas in the oven and Harley said her hello’s to everyone. After dinner I did some emails and then watched basketball while they all visited. I needed the rest. Tonight we’re all going for sushi. I need to pick up the turkey this morning and make room in the fridge. I think we’re going to try to brine it this year.

I’m still tired and could sleep another hour or so. I went to my PT girl yesterday morning who said I had a tension headache in my neck and face from too heavy lifting at the gym. Apparently muscles in the side of your face attach to your sternum in the top of your chest, who knew. I really need to find a new way of working out. Maybe light weights or some yoga or stretching or something. Time to change it up.

That’s it, Happy Thanksgiving Eve, make it a great day, God Bless.

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