Last night at 7, I received a call from Ty saying he was in an accident. After listening and going back and forth, it was clear I needed to jump in the car and head his way. About half-way there, I spoke with Ty who said the ambulance wanted to take him to the hospital. I told him I’d meet him there. Before I get to the details, Ty’s ok. He does have a bunch of bumps and bruises and a concussion but should be fine with rest.
Now to the accident, Ty was turning at a light when he was broadsided by a suburban type of vehicle that was an Uber. Ty said he had an arrow and so did other people at the scene, but the Uber passenger said they had a green light. The State Patrol hasn’t given anyone a ticket but Ty, who has a concussion, isn’t totally clear on all the events but is adamant he had a green arrow. The cop isn’t sure what happened. Hope they don’t give Ty a ticket. The truck is smashed on the passenger side and on the driver’s side too as it was pushed into another car. Airbags went off and we’re lucky no one was seriously hurt, including Ty’s friend in the front passenger seat. We’ll no more today after Ty wakes up. I just checked on him at 5 am and his head hurts but he seems ok. He did have x-rays and a CT scan just to make sure he had no bleeding in his brain. What a mess but the important thing is Ty is ok. I need to call his friends parents today to check on Nick.
Before that the day was busy with some cleaning, work and exercise. Lori is flying home at 9 this morning and will arrive in Eagle a little after 2. I had her car picked up around 11am and it’s in Denver at the dealer. I went from three cars in the driveway to one in 12 hours!
The World is protesting the invasion of Ukraine. Not sure it’ll stop Putin, but I hope so. The last thing we all need right now is some kind of war. What a shit show. 5:41 am now and I have about 5 hours sleep. I’m too wound up to go back to sleep so I might as well go to the gym. March 1st in less than 48 hours, wow.
That’s it, enough excitement for one day, right? Make it a great day and God Bless.