5:30am and I Love Lucy is on tv! I love that show. We find ourselves watching the good old shows like Andy Griffith, Hogan’s Hero’s, Lucy and others from when we were kids. That’s good tv!
This morning I’m off to Denver and Boulder. I hope to be back by 3 at the latest. Ty’s first day of school was great while Jag had an outbreak of poison ivy yesterday from Boulder Creek. We think Ty has a little cold as he had a runny nose last night. Don’t worry, no covid, just a cold.
I found a used desk yesterday for $120. Nice find. It’ll do just fine. Our bbq starts being built end of next week, thank God. Oh, get this, our water bill is $3082 for 3 months! Now $1200 of that comes from our builder as they used a lot during the final stages of construction but $600 a month is still a lot of water! Today our landscaper will dial back our sprinklers to every 3rd day or so rather than 3 times a day. Our grass is in now so we can stop watering so much.
Lori worked from home yesterday and will do so again today. We’re getting things put away which is good as we still have a lot in storage.
Guess I’ll get going. I have a lot of trash to put out this morning. Last weekend of August. Fall is a coming! God Bless.