Happy Birthday Dixie!

Today Dixie is 89 years old, whoo hoo! What an accomplishment. Think of all the things she’s lived through. Pretty hard to imagine. She was born in Shattuck Oklahoma in the height of the Great Depression, April 8th, 1931. Some of the stories she’s shared tell of hard times like those seen only in movies. When you hear about those times, no matter what you’re told, you can’t really understand it unless you were there. Then came World War II as she was a little girl and more. She was the youngest of 8 and life wasn’t easy back then. Think of all the advances and inventions in her life. She’s made it through a lot. Getting a loan and heading to California by herself, she’s a self made woman. Always thinking of others before herself, she influenced, took care of and literally saved countless numbers of people throughout her life. The best thing she ever did was to adopt a little girl she named Lori after a favorite student and give her a home. From me, thank you Dix. So, have a great day, you’re one of those people who have made the World a better place with your presence. Not all can say that! As Lori said yesterday, we’ll have a big party next year when you turn 90!

Today it’s more of the same here. The days are running together. Yesterday felt like a Sunday to me. We did finalize the paint color for the house as they start painting Monday. Things are coming along. Both boys had their virtual parent teacher conferences yesterday and are doing really well. We feel so bad for them as life in Springtime shouldn’t be like this for 16 and 18 year old boys. Frankly it shouldn’t be like this for any of us, right? We’ll do what we need to do as we’re resilient and will adapt but that doesn’t mean we have to like it!

Lori and the boys took a bike ride yesterday after we ran down to the house. That’s ok up here according to the authorities as long as you stay away from everyone else. In fact they encourage exercise up here which is good.

Another nice day up here but some rain and wet snow arrives tonight. Not much, just enough to annoy us. Pray every day this ends soon. As I said a few days ago, no need to go into what can happen next if this gets worse but rest assured, we’re prepared for all scenarios I can fathom. Lori used to give me a hard time for “preparing” but not any more.

Have a great day and again Happy Birthday Dixie! We all love you and wish we could celebrate with you in person, May God Bless you and us all.

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