I don’t think we made it but we were close. The wind kept us a few degrees short. Maybe today! At 11:20 and 12:30 we have parent teacher conferences. Both boys are doing well as we received their 3rd Quarter Report Cards yesterday.
They say this is the week to stay home. I do need a few things from the grocery store and was going to go early this morning but overslept. I might run down later today or wait until the morning. The boys had pizza for dinner last night as we still have take out available.
We had 16 new cases up here but much more in other parts of State. Hopefully we’re turning the corner. The news is on with newscasters trying to play gotcha with whoever they have on. This morning they asked the Surgeon General if he missed warning signs in January. Let me tell you something, the World missed warning signs in December, January and February! At least Trump stopped all flights from China in late January as these same newscasters called him a racist. Bill Gates warned in 2015 of a coming worldwide pandemic and again, everyone missed it, or rather chose to ignore him. You see that’s how people are, until something hits you personally, you basically ignore it. Guess that’s why I and maybe a few others (who I don’t know) are the only ones in the valley with masks. This is a good spot for a hmm, right!
I talked with cousin Chris in Vermont yesterday. She’s a pastor at her new church and doing well. Julie is still in New York saving lives. It was good to talk to her for a bit as we don’t speak that often. Lori and I are working away. I want her to continue to work remotely even though she might soon be able to go back to work. No point risking it.
Andrea (Bocelli) is singing from the Duomo in Milan on Easter with it totally empty. Italy has turned the corner, they say, let’s hope so as they’ve had a tough time. New York might be too. If we all do our part, maybe we all will. There are still some unknowns associated with this virus such as people being reinfected while others develop antibodies that make them immune. Scary times.
Last, people are starting to lose it. With so many out of work and out of money, food bank lines are miles long and people are losing their cool. There are incidents of shoppers going off on people for meaningless reasons as the lock down and new normal are getting to people. If money doesn’t get in people’s hands soon, there will be more crime and social unrest. If this goes on for months, things could get really tense but we’ll save that “what if” for another time. Hopefully things won’t get that bad. Time to go, be safe, be well and God Bless.