
Lori just came down and said she’s tired of this coronavirus and she’s ready to get back to normal. Hmm, I agree with her! I’m sure everyone other single person in the world does too. Finally something we can all unite on.

Yesterday we had a scare as Dixie wasn’t feeling well. The paramedics came and her vitals were fine and she didn’t want to go to the hospital so Michelle spent the night with her which was nice. Today she’ll hopefully go to her regular doctor and get checked out. We think she had a TIA or mini stroke. Lori can’t fly out there or she’d need to be in quarantine for 14 days minimum before seeing her mom plus even if she could get there, and she had to take Dixie to the hospital, they wouldn’t let Lori in. So what’s the point? Go there to drive her to the hospital 14 days after arrival. As you can see, we’re stuck. We could borrow a private jet and fly out and get her but where could she stay until the house was done. No room here as I don’t think she could sleep on the couch. We’ll know more today. Dix is 89 on April 8th! Say a prayer that she’s ok, prayer helps!

Yesterday we were back down at the house changing up a few things to stay close to budget. The Fed says we could have over 30% unemployment. Now the Great Depression was 24% and if you’re old like I am you remember the pictures of the people in the soup lines with no money, no food, and no jobs. Don’t think it couldn’t happen just because it’s 2020, it surely could. The difference is we’re far advanced scientifically so God willing, we’ll soon find a cure or vaccine.

Jag is waitlisted at NYU which is a pretty big deal but no way he’s going to school in New York. I personally think it’ll be years before New York fully recovers. Economically they’re going to be slammed with unemployment, higher taxes and crime and an overall lack of basic services. Looks like CU is going to be his choice which is a great school and close to us and Tom and Ali which provides another layer of support. It’s also the least expensive which is now a huge consideration. Who knows if colleges will even be back in session in the Fall, I don’t.

The boys are doing well considering they’ve been locked down for weeks now. They’re handling things really well. That’s it for now, time to run, keep staying away from people and we’ll get through this. I promise! God Bless.

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