It’s weird as when I’m sleeping, everything seems normal. I woke up at 4am for a bit and it seemed like just another day with nothing weird going on. After being awake for a few minutes, I remembered just what the World is going through. But as I said, for a brief minute, everything seemed like it did on any other day in Spring.
I did make it to the gym yesterday and then took some medicine and donuts down to Marty as it looks like Melanie has the virus. She’s upstairs in her room isolated which is good as Marty has Type 1 diabetes and asthma. After that I took two boxes of latex gloves and 4 masks over to our friends who run the Salvation Army. They had 700 families the day before show up for food and no one had any protection. We had donated food last year to them and I just happened to call and check on them earlier in the day and she told me what they were doing. Since I’m pretty prepared and stocked up we decided to share and donate some PPE (personal protection equipment) when she said how they were around all these people with no gloves or masks. They’ve had masks on order for well over a month which is not a surprise. Anne (our friend) sent me a text last night saying “Doug, you continue to be such an awesome member of our community and we can’t thank you enough for your generosity and we are truly grateful” along with pictures of all the volunteers wearing gloves. That was nice. Later in the day I dropped a case of wine to Dr. C who is waiting on test results himself. Meanwhile Lori managed to get her PA’s full pay for another month and Ty was on Meadow Mountain making a video to try to get into SSCV. So that was our day, pretty busy. Lori worked and worked and took a walk up the mountain with the dogs too. Later in the day I went back to Marty’s to give him some N95 masks for his family of three (I don’t understand why people did not prepare better) so he doesn’t get sick. He made some green chili which he gave us which was really good. Luckily we’re pretty stocked with masks, gloves and stuff.
In 40 minutes I have a call with Macedonia. Then a bunch of calls around the country after that. Time to get moving. Hope you all are well and adjusting to the new normal. Be safe, wash your hands and God Bless.