Today I’m off to Denver to get some work done on the car. I hope to leave there by 9 or 10 and head home. When I drop the car I’ll head across the street to Whole Foods and see what’s going on. We still don’t have Lori’s test back but I’m sure she has the virus. Praying none of us get it. Guess we’re 6 or 7 times more likely too with a positive case in the house, super. I’ll stay at least six feet away from everyone.
I spent my 5th night on the couch. In the morning I did drop off 5 masks to Lori’s nurses at the hospital. How’s that for irony, we’re supplying the hospital with N100 masks. Ty was outside at the skate park for most of the day. Lori called his two friends mom’s to let them know she was tested before we let him go. I guess Zoe arrived home from Israel last night. Ty is pissed off as we didn’t let him go over to her house. He doesn’t really understand the whole quarantine thing. Thankfully Jag does.
I need to sneak into my room to shower and get going while staying at least 6 feet away from you know who. Hope everyone is holding up ok. This is just the beginning. Things are going to get a lot more uncomfortable before they get better. Pace yourself and dig out some good books. The Govt. wants everyone to stay home for 15 days. If we can all do this it’ll go a long way to stopping this thing. After making my bank run and getting the car fixed we’ll go into total lockdown. San Francisco as of midnight last night ordered all residents to stay in their houses until April 7th. That’s basically Marshall Law. If we don’t stay away from each other I think this will happen nationwide.
Boys, we’re living through history. They’ll write about this in books someday. We’ll get through this. Sorry you have to go through this. It shouldn’t be happening in this day and age. Again, know we love you both, God Bless.
P.s. as a bonus, if you look back to yesterday I pulled a bunch of pictures of Jag so he could use them in his senior picture for graduation!
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