They did it again, the basketball team won 50 to 47. If they win today at 1 then it’s down to 8 teams in the State to determine the championship. Great win.
Seems we have another case up here of the virus. The news doesn’t know yet but it was a case that tested positive at the hospital. They sent the person home but some providers were exposed. Thankfully Lori wasn’t one of those that received a call but did get the email from the hospital late last night. In any case, no hiding from it now as “officially” we have 8 cases in the State but we all know we have many more.
We’ll be back in Clear Creek at 1 for the game today. Jag isn’t getting the playing time he’d like as it seems he challenged one of the coaches which didn’t go over well. He needs to work on letting things go even when he knows he’s right and someone else is wrong. This has happened with a teacher too. Teachers and coaches and people in positions of power don’t like being called out publicly when they’re wrong. Jag knows this and is working on it but I get it, it’s hard to sit on your hands and be quiet when someone is so obviously wrong. Oh well, a life lesson in the screwed up way of the World. Maybe he’ll get to play more today.
Ty came home at 10:30 after a long day at school and lacrosse. Jag is going to play lacrosse too when basketball is over. If we lose any game, it’s over as we’re down to single elimination games.
I’m still kicking my cold and Lori is fighting one off. Our colds are head colds and sore throats which are not related to the virus in case you’re wondering.
Boys, it was a good week considering all going on in our lives and the World. You’re both doing great as usual. Try to take things in stride and don’t sweat the little things. Remember if you’re not going to remember it in 6 months, it’s not that big of a deal.
Take care and be safe, God Bless.