Man I love Wyoming. Just for fun I was surfing the internet last night for cheap property near Jackson which is about 5 or 6 hours away. Surprisingly there’s lots of options out there that are really inexpensive. Lots of good fishing and property for sale all within 45 minutes of Jackson Hole. Just a pipe dream right now but if our wacko politicians keep going the way they’re going, I’m calling Tom and getting him to go in on a mini gentleman’s ranch with me, ha! Of course it’d be better to just get rid of our California style politicians. These guys think they’re our leaders when in fact they’re supposed to be our representatives. They work for us but of course if your a democrat, you’ve forgotten that as all you want to do is pass more and more laws thinking that that’ll somehow fix everything.
Before I get off politics, I cannot believe all the backlash Ellen DeGeneres is getting for sitting next to former President George Bush at a football game. What the fuck is wrong with these democrats. They’re all so angry and hate anyone who doesn’t agree with them and now have even turned on Ellen, the poster girl for LGBQT rights. This shows they’ll turn on anyone, wow.
I left for Denver around 7:20 am after helping Lori set up for her conference. I was down and up by 11 am. Then it was time to clean around here while Jag was in Denver at soccer and Ty was cleaning. I also made a black cherry pie and then a prime rib roast to make the boys French dip sandwiches for dinner. Finally I picked Lori up around 5. Her conference so far is a big success. Day two today and she’s getting ready now.
I’ll drop her and then go to the gym. I’m still sore from my workout with Stacey last Thursday. More to come tomorrow. It warmed up yesterday and most of the snow is gone but they say more next weekend. Of course this is the weekend Lori is traveling.
Before I go, here’s an email I received from a buddy of mine who is a Sherriff in Jeffco about Uncle CB. Yesterday was 79 years since he was the first Sherriff killed in the line of duty. He sure looks a lot like dad! Here’s the email sent out to all Jefferson County Sherriff’s. Dad would be happy and proud they still honor him. We donate to their foundations every year to help them out.
Here ya go.
On this day, October 12, we remember the life of JeffCo Undersheriff Clarence Fugate. Gone, but never forgotten.Undersheriff Fugate was killed in the line of duty on October 12, 1940, in Arvada.
Undersheriff Fugate went to Lee’s Tavern with the intention of arresting the bartender who had shot a man earlier that evening. After the undersheriff arrived and was misdirected by the bartender to the kitchen to search for the weapon, the suspect opened fire and killed him.
Deputies then shot the suspect who later recovered and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Today we ask everyone to pause and take a moment to remember Undersheriff Fugate and all that he accomplished during his service at the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.
Every deputy signs up for this challenging job knowing that one day he or she might have to make the ultimate sacrifice for our community. That’s why it’s imperative we take the time to reflect on those individuals who have died in the line of duty, to ensure they are never forgotten.
At 8:00 a.m. today we will take a special moment to remember him over the radio and over the speakers in Headquarters.
Undersheriff Fugate may be gone, but he will never be forgotten.

Time to get moving, have a great day and Go Bronco’s, God Bless.