Today is Lori’s day off but is she really off? She always has some work to do but we also have a full day of “other work” to do here. At 9 am we’re meeting with Jag’s college counselor at school, we have some cleaning and decluttering to do around her, Ty has some work to do as he starts with his tutor Deb tomorrow and the dogs will need a walk or two up the hill. Throw in a trip at 7 am to the gym and you see what I mean.
I was in Denver yesterday and it looked a little dark by the time I left but it was nice up here. Tommy commented how the blog the other day wished for more rain for them. I went back and read it, ha, too funny.
I did get our insurance company to finally pay for our water leak. Hope our rates don’t go up but they probably will. The dogs had breakfast and have been out and are now laying around. We need to leave for the gym in 15 minutes so time to go. Have a great day, take care, be safe and God Bless.