Late and cold

Well the boys won their game and Jag had a great assist and a shot that was barely blocked. Ty played well too. The varsity team lost 6 to 5 in a heart breaker. It was cold as usual and our game ended at around 9. We made it home just before 10. Ty is up early working on some work and I need to get Jag up in a few minutes. Lori’s off to the gym and I’ll drop the kids at 7:30.

Tonight we have an event for 11th grade parents at 5:30 but need to pick the boys up from practice at 6:30. I made it down and up in good time yesterday missing the storm. Not much of a storm up here but everyone in Denver was freaking out yesterday. You would have thought they were getting feet of snow. Right now it’s raining down there.

Not sure yet if we’ll be able to go to Arizona next week, we need to decide today or we’ll get charged for our hotel. We have a few family things going on that might make us cancel. If so we’re giving our Garth Brooks tickets to Robi and Robert. Time to go, have a great day and GB.

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